_scheme = $scheme; // Set up grammar rules for validation via regular expressions. These // are to be used with slash-delimited regular expression strings. $this->_regex['alphanum'] = '[^\W_]'; $this->_regex['escaped'] = '(?:%[\da-fA-F]{2})'; $this->_regex['mark'] = '[-_.!~*\'()\[\]]'; $this->_regex['reserved'] = '[;\/?:@&=+$,]'; $this->_regex['unreserved'] = '(?:' . $this->_regex['alphanum'] . '|' . $this->_regex['mark'] . ')'; $this->_regex['segment'] = '(?:(?:' . $this->_regex['unreserved'] . '|' . $this->_regex['escaped'] . '|[:@&=+$,;])*)'; $this->_regex['path'] = '(?:\/' . $this->_regex['segment'] . '?)+'; $this->_regex['uric'] = '(?:' . $this->_regex['reserved'] . '|' . $this->_regex['unreserved'] . '|' . $this->_regex['escaped'] . ')'; // If no scheme-specific part was supplied, the user intends to create // a new URI with this object. No further parsing is required. if (strlen($schemeSpecific) === 0) { return; } // Parse the scheme-specific URI parts into the instance variables. $this->_parseUri($schemeSpecific); // Validate the URI if ($this->valid() === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('Invalid URI supplied'); } } /** * Creates a Zend_Uri_Http from the given string * * @param string $uri String to create URI from, must start with * 'http://' or 'https://' * @throws InvalidArgumentException When the given $uri is not a string or * does not start with http:// or https:// * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When the given $uri is invalid * @return Zend_Uri_Http */ public static function fromString($uri) { if (is_string($uri) === false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('$uri is not a string'); } $uri = explode(':', $uri, 2); $scheme = strtolower($uri[0]); $schemeSpecific = isset($uri[1]) === true ? $uri[1] : ''; if (in_array($scheme, array('http', 'https')) === false) { throw new Zend_Uri_Exception("Invalid scheme: '$scheme'"); } $schemeHandler = new Zend_Uri_Http($scheme, $schemeSpecific); return $schemeHandler; } /** * Parse the scheme-specific portion of the URI and place its parts into instance variables. * * @param string $schemeSpecific The scheme-specific portion to parse * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When scheme-specific decoposition fails * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When authority decomposition fails * @return void */ protected function _parseUri($schemeSpecific) { // High-level decomposition parser $pattern = '~^((//)([^/?#]*))([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$~'; $status = @preg_match($pattern, $schemeSpecific, $matches); if ($status === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('Internal error: scheme-specific decomposition failed'); } // Failed decomposition; no further processing needed if ($status === false) { return; } // Save URI components that need no further decomposition $this->_path = isset($matches[4]) === true ? $matches[4] : ''; $this->_query = isset($matches[6]) === true ? $matches[6] : ''; $this->_fragment = isset($matches[8]) === true ? $matches[8] : ''; // Additional decomposition to get username, password, host, and port $combo = isset($matches[3]) === true ? $matches[3] : ''; $pattern = '~^(([^:@]*)(:([^@]*))?@)?([^:]+)(:(.*))?$~'; $status = @preg_match($pattern, $combo, $matches); if ($status === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('Internal error: authority decomposition failed'); } // Failed decomposition; no further processing needed if ($status === false) { return; } // Save remaining URI components $this->_username = isset($matches[2]) === true ? $matches[2] : ''; $this->_password = isset($matches[4]) === true ? $matches[4] : ''; $this->_host = isset($matches[5]) === true ? $matches[5] : ''; $this->_port = isset($matches[7]) === true ? $matches[7] : ''; } /** * Returns a URI based on current values of the instance variables. If any * part of the URI does not pass validation, then an exception is thrown. * * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When one or more parts of the URI are invalid * @return string */ public function getUri() { if ($this->valid() === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('One or more parts of the URI are invalid'); } $password = strlen($this->_password) > 0 ? ":$this->_password" : ''; $auth = strlen($this->_username) > 0 ? "$this->_username$password@" : ''; $port = strlen($this->_port) > 0 ? ":$this->_port" : ''; $query = strlen($this->_query) > 0 ? "?$this->_query" : ''; $fragment = strlen($this->_fragment) > 0 ? "#$this->_fragment" : ''; return $this->_scheme . '://' . $auth . $this->_host . $port . $this->_path . $query . $fragment; } /** * Validate the current URI from the instance variables. Returns true if and only if all * parts pass validation. * * @return boolean */ public function valid() { // Return true if and only if all parts of the URI have passed validation return $this->validateUsername() and $this->validatePassword() and $this->validateHost() and $this->validatePort() and $this->validatePath() and $this->validateQuery() and $this->validateFragment(); } /** * Returns the username portion of the URL, or FALSE if none. * * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return strlen($this->_username) > 0 ? $this->_username : false; } /** * Returns true if and only if the username passes validation. If no username is passed, * then the username contained in the instance variable is used. * * @param string $username The HTTP username * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When username validation fails * @return boolean * @link http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2396.html */ public function validateUsername($username = null) { if ($username === null) { $username = $this->_username; } // If the username is empty, then it is considered valid if (strlen($username) === 0) { return true; } // Check the username against the allowed values $status = @preg_match('/^(' . $this->_regex['alphanum'] . '|' . $this->_regex['mark'] . '|' . $this->_regex['escaped'] . '|[;:&=+$,])+$/', $username); if ($status === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('Internal error: username validation failed'); } return $status === 1; } /** * Sets the username for the current URI, and returns the old username * * @param string $username The HTTP username * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When $username is not a valid HTTP username * @return string */ public function setUsername($username) { if ($this->validateUsername($username) === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception("Username \"$username\" is not a valid HTTP username"); } $oldUsername = $this->_username; $this->_username = $username; return $oldUsername; } /** * Returns the password portion of the URL, or FALSE if none. * * @return string */ public function getPassword() { return strlen($this->_password) > 0 ? $this->_password : false; } /** * Returns true if and only if the password passes validation. If no password is passed, * then the password contained in the instance variable is used. * * @param string $password The HTTP password * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When password validation fails * @return boolean * @link http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2396.html */ public function validatePassword($password = null) { if ($password === null) { $password = $this->_password; } // If the password is empty, then it is considered valid if (strlen($password) === 0) { return true; } // If the password is nonempty, but there is no username, then it is considered invalid if (strlen($password) > 0 and strlen($this->_username) === 0) { return false; } // Check the password against the allowed values $status = @preg_match('/^(' . $this->_regex['alphanum'] . '|' . $this->_regex['mark'] . '|' . $this->_regex['escaped'] . '|[;:&=+$,])+$/', $password); if ($status === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('Internal error: password validation failed.'); } return $status == 1; } /** * Sets the password for the current URI, and returns the old password * * @param string $password The HTTP password * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When $password is not a valid HTTP password * @return string */ public function setPassword($password) { if ($this->validatePassword($password) === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception("Password \"$password\" is not a valid HTTP password."); } $oldPassword = $this->_password; $this->_password = $password; return $oldPassword; } /** * Returns the domain or host IP portion of the URL, or FALSE if none. * * @return string */ public function getHost() { return strlen($this->_host) > 0 ? $this->_host : false; } /** * Returns true if and only if the host string passes validation. If no host is passed, * then the host contained in the instance variable is used. * * @param string $host The HTTP host * @return boolean * @uses Zend_Filter */ public function validateHost($host = null) { if ($host === null) { $host = $this->_host; } // If the host is empty, then it is considered invalid if (strlen($host) === 0) { return false; } // Check the host against the allowed values; delegated to Zend_Filter. $validate = new Zend_Validate_Hostname(Zend_Validate_Hostname::ALLOW_ALL); return $validate->isValid($host); } /** * Sets the host for the current URI, and returns the old host * * @param string $host The HTTP host * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When $host is nota valid HTTP host * @return string */ public function setHost($host) { if ($this->validateHost($host) === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception("Host \"$host\" is not a valid HTTP host"); } $oldHost = $this->_host; $this->_host = $host; return $oldHost; } /** * Returns the TCP port, or FALSE if none. * * @return string */ public function getPort() { return strlen($this->_port) > 0 ? $this->_port : false; } /** * Returns true if and only if the TCP port string passes validation. If no port is passed, * then the port contained in the instance variable is used. * * @param string $port The HTTP port * @return boolean */ public function validatePort($port = null) { if ($port === null) { $port = $this->_port; } // If the port is empty, then it is considered valid if (strlen($port) === 0) { return true; } // Check the port against the allowed values return ctype_digit((string) $port) and 1 <= $port and $port <= 65535; } /** * Sets the port for the current URI, and returns the old port * * @param string $port The HTTP port * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When $port is not a valid HTTP port * @return string */ public function setPort($port) { if ($this->validatePort($port) === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception("Port \"$port\" is not a valid HTTP port."); } $oldPort = $this->_port; $this->_port = $port; return $oldPort; } /** * Returns the path and filename portion of the URL, or FALSE if none. * * @return string */ public function getPath() { return strlen($this->_path) > 0 ? $this->_path : '/'; } /** * Returns true if and only if the path string passes validation. If no path is passed, * then the path contained in the instance variable is used. * * @param string $path The HTTP path * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When path validation fails * @return boolean */ public function validatePath($path = null) { if ($path === null) { $path = $this->_path; } // If the path is empty, then it is considered valid if (strlen($path) === 0) { return true; } // Determine whether the path is well-formed $pattern = '/^' . $this->_regex['path'] . '$/'; $status = @preg_match($pattern, $path); if ($status === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('Internal error: path validation failed'); } return (boolean) $status; } /** * Sets the path for the current URI, and returns the old path * * @param string $path The HTTP path * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When $path is not a valid HTTP path * @return string */ public function setPath($path) { if ($this->validatePath($path) === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception("Path \"$path\" is not a valid HTTP path"); } $oldPath = $this->_path; $this->_path = $path; return $oldPath; } /** * Returns the query portion of the URL (after ?), or FALSE if none. * * @return string */ public function getQuery() { return strlen($this->_query) > 0 ? $this->_query : false; } /** * Returns true if and only if the query string passes validation. If no query is passed, * then the query string contained in the instance variable is used. * * @param string $query The query to validate * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When query validation fails * @return boolean * @link http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2396.html */ public function validateQuery($query = null) { if ($query === null) { $query = $this->_query; } // If query is empty, it is considered to be valid if (strlen($query) === 0) { return true; } // Determine whether the query is well-formed $pattern = '/^' . $this->_regex['uric'] . '*$/'; $status = @preg_match($pattern, $query); if ($status === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('Internal error: query validation failed'); } return $status == 1; } /** * Set the query string for the current URI, and return the old query * string This method accepts both strings and arrays. * * @param string|array $query The query string or array * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When $query is not a valid query string * @return string Old query string */ public function setQuery($query) { $oldQuery = $this->_query; // If query is empty, set an empty string if (empty($query) === true) { $this->_query = ''; return $oldQuery; } // If query is an array, make a string out of it if (is_array($query) === true) { $query = http_build_query($query, '', '&'); } else { // If it is a string, make sure it is valid. If not parse and encode it $query = (string) $query; if ($this->validateQuery($query) === false) { parse_str($query, $queryArray); $query = http_build_query($queryArray, '', '&'); } } // Make sure the query is valid, and set it if ($this->validateQuery($query) === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception("'$query' is not a valid query string"); } $this->_query = $query; return $oldQuery; } /** * Returns the fragment portion of the URL (after #), or FALSE if none. * * @return string|false */ public function getFragment() { return strlen($this->_fragment) > 0 ? $this->_fragment : false; } /** * Returns true if and only if the fragment passes validation. If no fragment is passed, * then the fragment contained in the instance variable is used. * * @param string $fragment Fragment of an URI * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When fragment validation fails * @return boolean * @link http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2396.html */ public function validateFragment($fragment = null) { if ($fragment === null) { $fragment = $this->_fragment; } // If fragment is empty, it is considered to be valid if (strlen($fragment) === 0) { return true; } // Determine whether the fragment is well-formed $pattern = '/^' . $this->_regex['uric'] . '*$/'; $status = @preg_match($pattern, $fragment); if ($status === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception('Internal error: fragment validation failed'); } return (boolean) $status; } /** * Sets the fragment for the current URI, and returns the old fragment * * @param string $fragment Fragment of the current URI * @throws Zend_Uri_Exception When $fragment is not a valid HTTP fragment * @return string */ public function setFragment($fragment) { if ($this->validateFragment($fragment) === false) { require_once 'Zend/Uri/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Uri_Exception("Fragment \"$fragment\" is not a valid HTTP fragment"); } $oldFragment = $this->_fragment; $this->_fragment = $fragment; return $oldFragment; } }