left = new PHPExcel_Style_Border($isSupervisor, $isConditional); $this->right = new PHPExcel_Style_Border($isSupervisor, $isConditional); $this->top = new PHPExcel_Style_Border($isSupervisor, $isConditional); $this->bottom = new PHPExcel_Style_Border($isSupervisor, $isConditional); $this->diagonal = new PHPExcel_Style_Border($isSupervisor, $isConditional); $this->diagonalDirection = PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_NONE; // Specially for supervisor if ($isSupervisor) { // Initialize pseudo-borders $this->allBorders = new PHPExcel_Style_Border(true); $this->outline = new PHPExcel_Style_Border(true); $this->inside = new PHPExcel_Style_Border(true); $this->vertical = new PHPExcel_Style_Border(true); $this->horizontal = new PHPExcel_Style_Border(true); // bind parent if we are a supervisor $this->left->bindParent($this, 'left'); $this->right->bindParent($this, 'right'); $this->top->bindParent($this, 'top'); $this->bottom->bindParent($this, 'bottom'); $this->diagonal->bindParent($this, 'diagonal'); $this->allBorders->bindParent($this, 'allBorders'); $this->outline->bindParent($this, 'outline'); $this->inside->bindParent($this, 'inside'); $this->vertical->bindParent($this, 'vertical'); $this->horizontal->bindParent($this, 'horizontal'); } } /** * Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet. * Only used for style supervisor * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Borders */ public function getSharedComponent() { return $this->parent->getSharedComponent()->getBorders(); } /** * Build style array from subcomponents * * @param array $array * @return array */ public function getStyleArray($array) { return array('borders' => $array); } /** * Apply styles from array * * * $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('B2')->getBorders()->applyFromArray( * array( * 'bottom' => array( * 'style' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT, * 'color' => array( * 'rgb' => '808080' * ) * ), * 'top' => array( * 'style' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT, * 'color' => array( * 'rgb' => '808080' * ) * ) * ) * ); * * * $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('B2')->getBorders()->applyFromArray( * array( * 'allborders' => array( * 'style' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_DASHDOT, * 'color' => array( * 'rgb' => '808080' * ) * ) * ) * ); * * * @param array $pStyles Array containing style information * @throws PHPExcel_Exception * @return PHPExcel_Style_Borders */ public function applyFromArray($pStyles = null) { if (is_array($pStyles)) { if ($this->isSupervisor) { $this->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($this->getSelectedCells())->applyFromArray($this->getStyleArray($pStyles)); } else { if (array_key_exists('left', $pStyles)) { $this->getLeft()->applyFromArray($pStyles['left']); } if (array_key_exists('right', $pStyles)) { $this->getRight()->applyFromArray($pStyles['right']); } if (array_key_exists('top', $pStyles)) { $this->getTop()->applyFromArray($pStyles['top']); } if (array_key_exists('bottom', $pStyles)) { $this->getBottom()->applyFromArray($pStyles['bottom']); } if (array_key_exists('diagonal', $pStyles)) { $this->getDiagonal()->applyFromArray($pStyles['diagonal']); } if (array_key_exists('diagonaldirection', $pStyles)) { $this->setDiagonalDirection($pStyles['diagonaldirection']); } if (array_key_exists('allborders', $pStyles)) { $this->getLeft()->applyFromArray($pStyles['allborders']); $this->getRight()->applyFromArray($pStyles['allborders']); $this->getTop()->applyFromArray($pStyles['allborders']); $this->getBottom()->applyFromArray($pStyles['allborders']); } } } else { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Invalid style array passed."); } return $this; } /** * Get Left * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Border */ public function getLeft() { return $this->left; } /** * Get Right * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Border */ public function getRight() { return $this->right; } /** * Get Top * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Border */ public function getTop() { return $this->top; } /** * Get Bottom * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Border */ public function getBottom() { return $this->bottom; } /** * Get Diagonal * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Border */ public function getDiagonal() { return $this->diagonal; } /** * Get AllBorders (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor. * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Border * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function getAllBorders() { if (!$this->isSupervisor) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.'); } return $this->allBorders; } /** * Get Outline (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor. * * @return boolean * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function getOutline() { if (!$this->isSupervisor) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.'); } return $this->outline; } /** * Get Inside (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor. * * @return boolean * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function getInside() { if (!$this->isSupervisor) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.'); } return $this->inside; } /** * Get Vertical (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor. * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Border * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function getVertical() { if (!$this->isSupervisor) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.'); } return $this->vertical; } /** * Get Horizontal (pseudo-border). Only applies to supervisor. * * @return PHPExcel_Style_Border * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function getHorizontal() { if (!$this->isSupervisor) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Can only get pseudo-border for supervisor.'); } return $this->horizontal; } /** * Get DiagonalDirection * * @return int */ public function getDiagonalDirection() { if ($this->isSupervisor) { return $this->getSharedComponent()->getDiagonalDirection(); } return $this->diagonalDirection; } /** * Set DiagonalDirection * * @param int $pValue * @return PHPExcel_Style_Borders */ public function setDiagonalDirection($pValue = PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_NONE) { if ($pValue == '') { $pValue = PHPExcel_Style_Borders::DIAGONAL_NONE; } if ($this->isSupervisor) { $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(array('diagonaldirection' => $pValue)); $this->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($this->getSelectedCells())->applyFromArray($styleArray); } else { $this->diagonalDirection = $pValue; } return $this; } /** * Get hash code * * @return string Hash code */ public function getHashCode() { if ($this->isSupervisor) { return $this->getSharedComponent()->getHashcode(); } return md5( $this->getLeft()->getHashCode() . $this->getRight()->getHashCode() . $this->getTop()->getHashCode() . $this->getBottom()->getHashCode() . $this->getDiagonal()->getHashCode() . $this->getDiagonalDirection() . __CLASS__ ); } }