/* NicEdit - Micro Inline WYSIWYG * Copyright 2007-2008 Brian Kirchoff * * NicEdit is distributed under the terms of the MIT license * For more information visit http://nicedit.com/ * Do not remove this copyright message * * Translated, modified table of colors (ColorButton), added `images manager` (ImagesManagerButton) by Lead Pepelats ( http://lead-pepelats.ru/ ), ©2013 * */ var bkExtend = function() { var args = arguments; if (args.length == 1) args = [this, args[0]]; for (var prop in args[1]) args[0][prop] = args[1][prop]; return args[0]; }; function bkClass() { } bkClass.prototype.construct = function() { }; bkClass.extend = function(def) { var classDef = function() { if (arguments[0] !== bkClass) { return this.construct.apply(this, arguments); } }; var proto = new this(bkClass); bkExtend(proto, def); classDef.prototype = proto; classDef.extend = this.extend; return classDef; }; var bkElement = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(elm, d) { if (typeof(elm) == "string") { elm = (d || document).createElement(elm); } elm = $BK(elm); return elm; }, appendTo: function(elm) { elm.appendChild(this); return this; }, appendBefore: function(elm) { elm.parentNode.insertBefore(this, elm); return this; }, addEvent: function(type, fn) { bkLib.addEvent(this, type, fn); return this; }, setContent: function(c) { this.innerHTML = c; return this; }, pos: function() { var curleft = curtop = 0; var o = obj = this; if (obj.offsetParent) { do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } var b = (!window.opera) ? parseInt(this.getStyle('border-width') || this.style.border) || 0 : 0; return [curleft + b, curtop + b + this.offsetHeight]; }, noSelect: function() { bkLib.noSelect(this); return this; }, parentTag: function(t) { var elm = this; do { if (elm && elm.nodeName && elm.nodeName.toUpperCase() == t) { return elm; } elm = elm.parentNode; } while (elm); return false; }, hasClass: function(cls) { return this.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)nicEdit-' + cls + '(\\s|$)')); }, addClass: function(cls) { if (!this.hasClass(cls)) { this.className += " nicEdit-" + cls } ; return this; }, removeClass: function(cls) { if (this.hasClass(cls)) { this.className = this.className.replace(new RegExp('(\\s|^)nicEdit-' + cls + '(\\s|$)'), ' '); } return this; }, setStyle: function(st) { var elmStyle = this.style; for (var itm in st) { switch (itm) { case 'float': elmStyle['cssFloat'] = elmStyle['styleFloat'] = st[itm]; break; case 'opacity': elmStyle.opacity = st[itm]; elmStyle.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(st[itm] * 100) + ")"; break; case 'className': this.className = st[itm]; break; default: //if(document.compatMode || itm != "cursor") { // Nasty Workaround for IE 5.5 elmStyle[itm] = st[itm]; //} } } return this; }, getStyle: function(cssRule, d) { var doc = (!d) ? document.defaultView : d; if (this.nodeType == 1) return (doc && doc.getComputedStyle) ? doc.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(cssRule) : this.currentStyle[ bkLib.camelize(cssRule) ]; }, remove: function() { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); return this; }, setAttributes: function(at) { for (var itm in at) { this[itm] = at[itm]; } return this; } }); var bkLib = { isMSIE: (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1), addEvent: function(obj, type, fn) { (obj.addEventListener) ? obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false) : obj.attachEvent("on" + type, fn); }, toArray: function(iterable) { var length = iterable.length, results = new Array(length); while (length--) { results[length] = iterable[length] } ; return results; }, noSelect: function(element) { if (element.setAttribute && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'input' && element.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'textarea') { element.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on'); } for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { bkLib.noSelect(element.childNodes[i]); } }, camelize: function(s) { return s.replace(/\-(.)/g, function(m, l) { return l.toUpperCase() }); }, inArray: function(arr, item) { return (bkLib.search(arr, item) != null); }, search: function(arr, itm) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == itm) return i; } return null; }, cancelEvent: function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.preventDefault && e.stopPropagation) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } return false; }, domLoad: [], domLoaded: function() { if (arguments.callee.done) return; arguments.callee.done = true; for (i = 0; i < bkLib.domLoad.length; i++) bkLib.domLoad[i](); }, onDomLoaded: function(fireThis) { this.domLoad.push(fireThis); if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", bkLib.domLoaded, null); } else if (bkLib.isMSIE) { document.write("<\/scr" + "ipt>"); $BK("__ie_onload").onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == "complete") { bkLib.domLoaded(); } }; } window.onload = bkLib.domLoaded; } }; function $BK(elm) { if (typeof(elm) == "string") { elm = document.getElementById(elm); } return (elm && !elm.appendTo) ? bkExtend(elm, bkElement.prototype) : elm; } var bkEvent = { addEvent: function(evType, evFunc) { if (evFunc) { this.eventList = this.eventList || {}; this.eventList[evType] = this.eventList[evType] || []; this.eventList[evType].push(evFunc); } return this; }, fireEvent: function() { var args = bkLib.toArray(arguments), evType = args.shift(); if (this.eventList && this.eventList[evType]) { for (var i = 0; i < this.eventList[evType].length; i++) { this.eventList[evType][i].apply(this, args); } } } }; function __(s) { return s; } Function.prototype.closure = function() { var __method = this, args = bkLib.toArray(arguments), obj = args.shift(); return function() { if (typeof(bkLib) != 'undefined') { return __method.apply(obj, args.concat(bkLib.toArray(arguments))); } }; } Function.prototype.closureListener = function() { var __method = this, args = bkLib.toArray(arguments), object = args.shift(); return function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (e.target) { var target = e.target; } else { var target = e.srcElement } ; return __method.apply(object, [e, target].concat(args)); }; } /* START CONFIG */ var nicEditorConfig = bkClass.extend({ buttons: { 'bold': {name: __('Жирный'), command: 'Bold', tags: ['B', 'STRONG'], css: {'font-weight': 'bold'}, key: 'b'}, 'italic': {name: __('Курсив'), command: 'Italic', tags: ['EM', 'I'], css: {'font-style': 'italic'}, key: 'i'}, 'underline': {name: __('Подчеркнутый'), command: 'Underline', tags: ['U'], css: {'text-decoration': 'underline'}, key: 'u'}, 'left': {name: __('Выровнять текст по левому краю'), command: 'justifyleft', noActive: true}, 'center': {name: __('Выровнять текст по центру'), command: 'justifycenter', noActive: true}, 'right': {name: __('Выровнять текст по правому краю'), command: 'justifyright', noActive: true}, 'justify': {name: __('Выравнивание по ширине'), command: 'justifyfull', noActive: true}, 'ol': {name: __('Нумерованный список'), command: 'insertorderedlist', tags: ['OL']}, 'ul': {name: __('Маркированный список'), command: 'insertunorderedlist', tags: ['UL']}, 'subscript': {name: __('Подстрочный'), command: 'subscript', tags: ['SUB']}, 'superscript': {name: __('Надстрочный'), command: 'superscript', tags: ['SUP']}, 'strikethrough': {name: __('Зачеркнутый'), command: 'strikeThrough', css: {'text-decoration': 'line-through'}}, 'removeformat': {name: __('Убрать форматирование'), command: 'removeformat', noActive: true}, 'indent': {name: __('Увеличить отступ'), command: 'indent', noActive: true}, 'outdent': {name: __('Уменьшить отступ'), command: 'outdent', noActive: true}, 'hr': {name: __('Горизонтальная линия'), command: 'insertHorizontalRule', noActive: true} }, iconsPath: 'nicEditorIcons.gif', buttonList: ['save', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'justify', 'ol', 'ul', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontFormat', 'indent', 'outdent', 'image', 'upload', 'imagesManager', 'link', 'unlink', 'forecolor', 'bgcolor'], iconList: {"xhtml": 1, "bgcolor": 2, "forecolor": 3, "bold": 4, "center": 5, "hr": 6, "indent": 7, "italic": 8, "justify": 9, "left": 10, "ol": 11, "outdent": 12, "removeformat": 13, "right": 14, "save": 25, "strikethrough": 16, "subscript": 17, "superscript": 18, "ul": 19, "underline": 20, "image": 21, "link": 22, "unlink": 23, "close": 24, "arrow": 26, "upload": 27, "imagesManager": 28, "folder": 29, "jpg": 30, "png": 31, "gif": 32, "bmp": 33} }); /* END CONFIG */ var nicEditors = { nicPlugins: [], editors: [], registerPlugin: function(plugin, options) { this.nicPlugins.push({p: plugin, o: options}); }, allTextAreas: function(nicOptions) { var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); for (var i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++) { nicEditors.editors.push(new nicEditor(nicOptions).panelInstance(textareas[i])); } return nicEditors.editors; }, findEditor: function(e) { var editors = nicEditors.editors; for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { if (editors[i].instanceById(e)) { return editors[i].instanceById(e); } } } }; var nicEditor = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(o) { this.options = new nicEditorConfig(); bkExtend(this.options, o); this.nicInstances = new Array(); this.loadedPlugins = new Array(); var plugins = nicEditors.nicPlugins; for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { this.loadedPlugins.push(new plugins[i].p(this, plugins[i].o)); } nicEditors.editors.push(this); bkLib.addEvent(document.body, 'mousedown', this.selectCheck.closureListener(this)); }, panelInstance: function(e, o) { e = this.checkReplace($BK(e)); var panelElm = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({width: (parseInt(e.getStyle('width')) || e.clientWidth) + 'px'}).appendBefore(e); this.setPanel(panelElm); return this.addInstance(e, o); }, checkReplace: function(e) { var r = nicEditors.findEditor(e); if (r) { r.removeInstance(e); r.removePanel(); } return e; }, addInstance: function(e, o) { e = this.checkReplace($BK(e)); if (e.contentEditable || !!window.opera) { var newInstance = new nicEditorInstance(e, o, this); } else { var newInstance = new nicEditorIFrameInstance(e, o, this); } this.nicInstances.push(newInstance); return this; }, removeInstance: function(e) { e = $BK(e); var instances = this.nicInstances; for (var i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { if (instances[i].e == e) { instances[i].remove(); this.nicInstances.splice(i, 1); } } }, removePanel: function(e) { if (this.nicPanel) { this.nicPanel.remove(); this.nicPanel = null; } }, instanceById: function(e) { e = $BK(e); var instances = this.nicInstances; for (var i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { if (instances[i].e == e) { return instances[i]; } } }, setPanel: function(e) { this.nicPanel = new nicEditorPanel($BK(e), this.options, this); this.fireEvent('panel', this.nicPanel); return this; }, nicCommand: function(cmd, args) { if (this.selectedInstance) { this.selectedInstance.nicCommand(cmd, args); } }, getIcon: function(iconName, options) { var icon = this.options.iconList[iconName]; var file = (options.iconFiles) ? options.iconFiles[iconName] : ''; return {backgroundImage: "url('" + ((icon) ? this.options.iconsPath : file) + "')", backgroundPosition: ((icon) ? ((icon - 1) * -18) : 0) + 'px 0px'}; }, selectCheck: function(e, t) { var found = false; do { if (t.className && t.className.indexOf('nicEdit') != -1) { return false; } } while (t = t.parentNode); this.fireEvent('blur', this.selectedInstance, t); this.lastSelectedInstance = this.selectedInstance; this.selectedInstance = null; return false; } }); nicEditor = nicEditor.extend(bkEvent); var nicEditorInstance = bkClass.extend({ isSelected: false, construct: function(e, options, nicEditor) { this.ne = nicEditor; this.elm = this.e = e; this.options = options || {}; newX = parseInt(e.getStyle('width')) || e.clientWidth; newY = parseInt(e.getStyle('height')) || e.clientHeight; this.initialHeight = newY - 8; var isTextarea = (e.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea"); if (isTextarea || this.options.hasPanel) { var ie7s = (bkLib.isMSIE && !((typeof document.body.style.maxHeight != "undefined") && document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat")) var s = {width: newX + 'px', border: '1px solid #ccc', borderTop: 0, overflowY: 'auto', overflowX: 'hidden'}; s[(ie7s) ? 'height' : 'maxHeight'] = (this.ne.options.maxHeight) ? this.ne.options.maxHeight + 'px' : null; this.editorContain = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle(s).appendBefore(e); var editorElm = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({width: (newX - 8) + 'px', margin: '4px', minHeight: newY + 'px'}).addClass('main').appendTo(this.editorContain); e.setStyle({display: 'none'}); editorElm.innerHTML = e.innerHTML; if (isTextarea) { editorElm.setContent(e.value); this.copyElm = e; var f = e.parentTag('FORM'); if (f) { bkLib.addEvent(f, 'submit', this.saveContent.closure(this)); } } editorElm.setStyle((ie7s) ? {height: newY + 'px'} : {overflow: 'hidden'}); this.elm = editorElm; } this.ne.addEvent('blur', this.blur.closure(this)); this.init(); this.blur(); }, init: function() { this.elm.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'true'); if (this.getContent() == "") { this.setContent('
'); } this.instanceDoc = document.defaultView; this.elm.addEvent('mousedown', this.selected.closureListener(this)).addEvent('keypress', this.keyDown.closureListener(this)).addEvent('focus', this.selected.closure(this)).addEvent('blur', this.blur.closure(this)).addEvent('keyup', this.selected.closure(this)); this.ne.fireEvent('add', this); }, remove: function() { this.saveContent(); if (this.copyElm || this.options.hasPanel) { this.editorContain.remove(); this.e.setStyle({'display': 'block'}); this.ne.removePanel(); } this.disable(); this.ne.fireEvent('remove', this); }, disable: function() { this.elm.setAttribute('contentEditable', 'false'); }, getSel: function() { return (window.getSelection) ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; }, getRng: function() { var s = this.getSel(); if (!s || s.rangeCount === 0) { return; } return (s.rangeCount > 0) ? s.getRangeAt(0) : s.createRange(); }, selRng: function(rng, s) { if (window.getSelection) { s.removeAllRanges(); s.addRange(rng); } else { rng.select(); } }, selElm: function() { var r = this.getRng(); if (!r) { return; } if (r.startContainer) { var contain = r.startContainer; if (r.cloneContents().childNodes.length == 1) { for (var i = 0; i < contain.childNodes.length; i++) { var rng = contain.childNodes[i].ownerDocument.createRange(); rng.selectNode(contain.childNodes[i]); if (r.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, rng) != 1 && r.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, rng) != -1) { return $BK(contain.childNodes[i]); } } } return $BK(contain); } else { return $BK((this.getSel().type == "Control") ? r.item(0) : r.parentElement()); } }, saveRng: function() { this.savedRange = this.getRng(); this.savedSel = this.getSel(); }, restoreRng: function() { if (this.savedRange) { this.selRng(this.savedRange, this.savedSel); } }, keyDown: function(e, t) { if (e.ctrlKey) { this.ne.fireEvent('key', this, e); } }, selected: function(e, t) { if (!t && !(t = this.selElm)) { t = this.selElm(); } if (!e.ctrlKey) { var selInstance = this.ne.selectedInstance; if (selInstance != this) { if (selInstance) { this.ne.fireEvent('blur', selInstance, t); } this.ne.selectedInstance = this; this.ne.fireEvent('focus', selInstance, t); } this.ne.fireEvent('selected', selInstance, t); this.isFocused = true; this.elm.addClass('selected'); } return false; }, blur: function() { this.isFocused = false; this.elm.removeClass('selected'); }, saveContent: function() { if (this.copyElm || this.options.hasPanel) { this.ne.fireEvent('save', this); (this.copyElm) ? this.copyElm.value = this.getContent() : this.e.innerHTML = this.getContent(); } }, getElm: function() { return this.elm; }, getContent: function() { this.content = this.getElm().innerHTML; this.ne.fireEvent('get', this); return this.content; }, setContent: function(e) { this.content = e; this.ne.fireEvent('set', this); this.elm.innerHTML = this.content; }, nicCommand: function(cmd, args) { document.execCommand(cmd, false, args); } }); var nicEditorIFrameInstance = nicEditorInstance.extend({ savedStyles: [], init: function() { var c = this.elm.innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); this.elm.innerHTML = ''; (!c) ? c = "
" : c; this.initialContent = c; this.elmFrame = new bkElement('iframe').setAttributes({'src': 'javascript:;', 'frameBorder': 0, 'allowTransparency': 'true', 'scrolling': 'no'}).setStyle({height: '100px', width: '100%'}).addClass('frame').appendTo(this.elm); if (this.copyElm) { this.elmFrame.setStyle({width: (this.elm.offsetWidth - 4) + 'px'}); } var styleList = ['font-size', 'font-family', 'font-weight', 'color']; for (itm in styleList) { this.savedStyles[bkLib.camelize(itm)] = this.elm.getStyle(itm); } setTimeout(this.initFrame.closure(this), 50); }, disable: function() { this.elm.innerHTML = this.getContent(); }, initFrame: function() { var fd = $BK(this.elmFrame.contentWindow.document); fd.designMode = "on"; fd.open(); var css = this.ne.options.externalCSS; fd.write('' + ((css) ? '' : '') + '' + this.initialContent + ''); fd.close(); this.frameDoc = fd; this.frameWin = $BK(this.elmFrame.contentWindow); this.frameContent = $BK(this.frameWin.document.body).setStyle(this.savedStyles); this.instanceDoc = this.frameWin.document.defaultView; this.heightUpdate(); this.frameDoc.addEvent('mousedown', this.selected.closureListener(this)).addEvent('keyup', this.heightUpdate.closureListener(this)).addEvent('keydown', this.keyDown.closureListener(this)).addEvent('keyup', this.selected.closure(this)); this.ne.fireEvent('add', this); }, getElm: function() { return this.frameContent; }, setContent: function(c) { this.content = c; this.ne.fireEvent('set', this); this.frameContent.innerHTML = this.content; this.heightUpdate(); }, getSel: function() { return (this.frameWin) ? this.frameWin.getSelection() : this.frameDoc.selection; }, heightUpdate: function() { this.elmFrame.style.height = Math.max(this.frameContent.offsetHeight, this.initialHeight) + 'px'; }, nicCommand: function(cmd, args) { this.frameDoc.execCommand(cmd, false, args); setTimeout(this.heightUpdate.closure(this), 100); } }); var nicEditorPanel = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(e, options, nicEditor) { this.elm = e; this.options = options; this.ne = nicEditor; this.panelButtons = new Array(); this.buttonList = bkExtend([], this.ne.options.buttonList); this.panelContain = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({overflow: 'hidden', width: '100%', border: '1px solid #cccccc', backgroundColor: '#efefef'}).addClass('panelContain'); this.panelElm = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({margin: '2px', marginTop: '0px', zoom: 1, overflow: 'hidden'}).addClass('panel').appendTo(this.panelContain); this.panelContain.appendTo(e); var opt = this.ne.options; var buttons = opt.buttons; for (button in buttons) { this.addButton(button, opt, true); } this.reorder(); e.noSelect(); }, addButton: function(buttonName, options, noOrder) { var button = options.buttons[buttonName]; var type = (button['type']) ? eval('(typeof(' + button['type'] + ') == "undefined") ? null : ' + button['type'] + ';') : nicEditorButton; var hasButton = bkLib.inArray(this.buttonList, buttonName); if (type && (hasButton || this.ne.options.fullPanel)) { this.panelButtons.push(new type(this.panelElm, buttonName, options, this.ne)); if (!hasButton) { this.buttonList.push(buttonName); } } }, findButton: function(itm) { for (var i = 0; i < this.panelButtons.length; i++) { if (this.panelButtons[i].name == itm) return this.panelButtons[i]; } }, reorder: function() { var bl = this.buttonList; for (var i = 0; i < bl.length; i++) { var button = this.findButton(bl[i]); if (button) { this.panelElm.appendChild(button.margin); } } }, remove: function() { this.elm.remove(); } }); var nicEditorButton = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(e, buttonName, options, nicEditor) { this.options = options.buttons[buttonName]; this.name = buttonName; this.ne = nicEditor; this.elm = e; this.margin = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({'float': 'left', marginTop: '2px'}).appendTo(e); this.contain = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({width: '20px', height: '20px'}).addClass('buttonContain').appendTo(this.margin); this.border = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({backgroundColor: '#efefef', border: '1px solid #efefef'}).appendTo(this.contain); this.button = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({width: '18px', height: '18px', overflow: 'hidden', zoom: 1, cursor: 'pointer'}).addClass('button').setStyle(this.ne.getIcon(buttonName, options)).appendTo(this.border); this.button.addEvent('mouseover', this.hoverOn.closure(this)).addEvent('mouseout', this.hoverOff.closure(this)).addEvent('mousedown', this.mouseClick.closure(this)).noSelect(); if (!window.opera) { this.button.onmousedown = this.button.onclick = bkLib.cancelEvent; } nicEditor.addEvent('selected', this.enable.closure(this)).addEvent('blur', this.disable.closure(this)).addEvent('key', this.key.closure(this)); this.disable(); this.init(); }, init: function() { }, hide: function() { this.contain.setStyle({display: 'none'}); }, updateState: function() { if (this.isDisabled) { this.setBg(); } else if (this.isHover) { this.setBg('hover'); } else if (this.isActive) { this.setBg('active'); } else { this.setBg(); } }, setBg: function(state) { switch (state) { case 'hover': var stateStyle = {border: '1px solid #666', backgroundColor: '#ddd'}; break; case 'active': var stateStyle = {border: '1px solid #666', backgroundColor: '#ccc'}; break; default: var stateStyle = {border: '1px solid #efefef', backgroundColor: '#efefef'}; } this.border.setStyle(stateStyle).addClass('button-' + state); }, checkNodes: function(e) { var elm = e; do { if (this.options.tags && bkLib.inArray(this.options.tags, elm.nodeName)) { this.activate(); return true; } } while (elm = elm.parentNode && elm.className != "nicEdit"); elm = $BK(e); while (elm.nodeType == 3) { elm = $BK(elm.parentNode); } if (this.options.css) { for (itm in this.options.css) { if (elm.getStyle(itm, this.ne.selectedInstance.instanceDoc) == this.options.css[itm]) { this.activate(); return true; } } } this.deactivate(); return false; }, activate: function() { if (!this.isDisabled) { this.isActive = true; this.updateState(); this.ne.fireEvent('buttonActivate', this); } }, deactivate: function() { this.isActive = false; this.updateState(); if (!this.isDisabled) { this.ne.fireEvent('buttonDeactivate', this); } }, enable: function(ins, t) { this.isDisabled = false; this.contain.setStyle({'opacity': 1}).addClass('buttonEnabled'); this.updateState(); this.checkNodes(t); }, disable: function(ins, t) { this.isDisabled = true; this.contain.setStyle({'opacity': 0.6}).removeClass('buttonEnabled'); this.updateState(); }, toggleActive: function() { (this.isActive) ? this.deactivate() : this.activate(); }, hoverOn: function() { if (!this.isDisabled) { this.isHover = true; this.updateState(); this.ne.fireEvent("buttonOver", this); } }, hoverOff: function() { this.isHover = false; this.updateState(); this.ne.fireEvent("buttonOut", this); }, mouseClick: function() { if (this.options.command) { this.ne.nicCommand(this.options.command, this.options.commandArgs); if (!this.options.noActive) { this.toggleActive(); } } this.ne.fireEvent("buttonClick", this); }, key: function(nicInstance, e) { if (this.options.key && e.ctrlKey && String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode || e.charCode).toLowerCase() == this.options.key) { this.mouseClick(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); } } }); var nicPlugin = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(nicEditor, options) { this.options = options; this.ne = nicEditor; this.ne.addEvent('panel', this.loadPanel.closure(this)); this.init(); }, loadPanel: function(np) { var buttons = this.options.buttons; for (var button in buttons) { np.addButton(button, this.options); } np.reorder(); }, init: function() { } }); /* START CONFIG */ var nicPaneOptions = {}; /* END CONFIG */ var nicEditorPane = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(elm, nicEditor, options, openButton) { this.ne = nicEditor; this.elm = elm; this.pos = elm.pos(); this.contain = new bkElement('div').setStyle({zIndex: '99999', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', left: this.pos[0] + 'px', top: this.pos[1] + 'px'}) this.pane = new bkElement('div').setStyle({fontSize: '12px', border: '1px solid #ccc', 'overflow': 'hidden', padding: '4px', textAlign: 'left', backgroundColor: '#ffffc9'}).addClass('pane').setStyle(options).appendTo(this.contain); if (openButton && !openButton.options.noClose) { this.close = new bkElement('div').setStyle({'float': 'right', height: '16px', width: '16px', cursor: 'pointer'}).setStyle(this.ne.getIcon('close', nicPaneOptions)).addEvent('mousedown', openButton.removePane.closure(this)).appendTo(this.pane); } this.contain.noSelect().appendTo(document.body); this.position(); this.init(); }, init: function() { }, position: function() { if (this.ne.nicPanel) { var panelElm = this.ne.nicPanel.elm; var panelPos = panelElm.pos(); var newLeft = panelPos[0] + parseInt(panelElm.getStyle('width')) - (parseInt(this.pane.getStyle('width')) + 8); if (newLeft < this.pos[0]) { this.contain.setStyle({left: newLeft + 'px'}); } } }, toggle: function() { this.isVisible = !this.isVisible; this.contain.setStyle({display: ((this.isVisible) ? 'block' : 'none')}); }, remove: function() { if (this.contain) { this.contain.remove(); this.contain = null; } }, append: function(c) { c.appendTo(this.pane); }, setContent: function(c) { this.pane.setContent(c); } }); var nicEditorAdvancedButton = nicEditorButton.extend({ init: function() { this.ne.addEvent('selected', this.removePane.closure(this)).addEvent('blur', this.removePane.closure(this)); }, mouseClick: function() { if (!this.isDisabled) { if (this.pane && this.pane.pane) { this.removePane(); } else { this.pane = new nicEditorPane(this.contain, this.ne, {width: (this.width || '270px'), backgroundColor: '#fff'}, this); this.addPane(); this.ne.selectedInstance.saveRng(); } } }, addForm: function(f, elm) { this.form = new bkElement('form').addEvent('submit', this.submit.closureListener(this)); this.pane.append(this.form); this.inputs = {}; for (itm in f) { var field = f[itm]; var val = ''; if (elm) { val = elm.getAttribute(itm); } if (!val) { val = field['value'] || ''; } var type = f[itm].type; if (type == 'title') { new bkElement('div').setContent(field.txt).setStyle({fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: 'bold', padding: '0px', margin: '2px 0'}).appendTo(this.form); } else { var contain = new bkElement('div').setStyle({overflow: 'hidden', clear: 'both'}).appendTo(this.form); if (field.txt) { new bkElement('label').setAttributes({'for': itm}).setContent(field.txt).setStyle({margin: '2px 4px', fontSize: '13px', width: '60px', lineHeight: '20px', textAlign: 'right', 'float': 'left'}).appendTo(contain); } switch (type) { case 'text': this.inputs[itm] = new bkElement('input').setAttributes({id: itm, 'value': val, 'type': 'text'}).setStyle({margin: '2px 0', fontSize: '13px', 'float': 'left', height: '20px', border: '1px solid #ccc', overflow: 'hidden'}).setStyle(field.style).appendTo(contain); break; case 'select': this.inputs[itm] = new bkElement('select').setAttributes({id: itm}).setStyle({border: '1px solid #ccc', 'float': 'left', margin: '2px 0'}).appendTo(contain); for (opt in field.options) { var o = new bkElement('option').setAttributes({value: opt, selected: (opt == val) ? 'selected' : ''}).setContent(field.options[opt]).appendTo(this.inputs[itm]); } break; case 'content': this.inputs[itm] = new bkElement('textarea').setAttributes({id: itm}).setStyle({border: '1px solid #ccc', 'float': 'left'}).setStyle(field.style).appendTo(contain); this.inputs[itm].value = val; } } } new bkElement('input').setAttributes({'type': 'submit'}).setStyle({backgroundColor: '#efefef', border: '1px solid #ccc', margin: '3px 0', 'float': 'left', 'clear': 'both'}).appendTo(this.form); this.form.onsubmit = bkLib.cancelEvent; }, submit: function() { }, findElm: function(tag, attr, val) { var list = this.ne.selectedInstance.getElm().getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].getAttribute(attr) == val) { return $BK(list[i]); } } }, removePane: function() { if (this.pane) { this.pane.remove(); this.pane = null; this.ne.selectedInstance.restoreRng(); } } }); var nicButtonTips = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(nicEditor) { this.ne = nicEditor; nicEditor.addEvent('buttonOver', this.show.closure(this)).addEvent('buttonOut', this.hide.closure(this)); }, show: function(button) { this.timer = setTimeout(this.create.closure(this, button), 400); }, create: function(button) { this.timer = null; if (!this.pane) { this.pane = new nicEditorPane(button.button, this.ne, {fontSize: '12px', marginTop: '5px'}); this.pane.setContent(button.options.name); } }, hide: function(button) { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); } if (this.pane) { this.pane = this.pane.remove(); } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicButtonTips); /* START CONFIG */ var nicSelectOptions = { buttons: { 'fontSize': {name: __('Выбрать размер шрифта'), type: 'nicEditorFontSizeSelect', command: 'fontsize'}, 'fontFamily': {name: __('Выбрать шрифт'), type: 'nicEditorFontFamilySelect', command: 'fontname'}, 'fontFormat': {name: __('Выбрать стиль'), type: 'nicEditorFontFormatSelect', command: 'formatBlock'} } }; /* END CONFIG */ var nicEditorSelect = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(e, buttonName, options, nicEditor) { this.options = options.buttons[buttonName]; this.elm = e; this.ne = nicEditor; this.name = buttonName; this.selOptions = new Array(); this.margin = new bkElement('div').setStyle({'float': 'left', margin: '2px 1px 0 1px'}).appendTo(this.elm); this.contain = new bkElement('div').setStyle({width: '90px', height: '20px', cursor: 'pointer', overflow: 'hidden'}).addClass('selectContain').addEvent('click', this.toggle.closure(this)).appendTo(this.margin); this.items = new bkElement('div').setStyle({overflow: 'hidden', zoom: 1, border: '1px solid #ccc', paddingLeft: '3px', backgroundColor: '#fff'}).appendTo(this.contain); this.control = new bkElement('div').setStyle({overflow: 'hidden', 'float': 'right', height: '18px', width: '16px'}).addClass('selectControl').setStyle(this.ne.getIcon('arrow', options)).appendTo(this.items); this.txt = new bkElement('div').setStyle({overflow: 'hidden', 'float': 'left', width: '66px', height: '14px', marginTop: '1px', fontFamily: 'sans-serif', textAlign: 'center', fontSize: '12px'}).addClass('selectTxt').appendTo(this.items); if (!window.opera) { this.contain.onmousedown = this.control.onmousedown = this.txt.onmousedown = bkLib.cancelEvent; } this.margin.noSelect(); this.ne.addEvent('selected', this.enable.closure(this)).addEvent('blur', this.disable.closure(this)); this.disable(); this.init(); }, disable: function() { this.isDisabled = true; this.close(); this.contain.setStyle({opacity: 0.6}); }, enable: function(t) { this.isDisabled = false; this.close(); this.contain.setStyle({opacity: 1}); }, setDisplay: function(txt) { this.txt.setContent(txt); }, toggle: function() { if (!this.isDisabled) { (this.pane) ? this.close() : this.open(); } }, open: function() { this.pane = new nicEditorPane(this.items, this.ne, {width: '88px', padding: '0px', borderTop: 0, borderLeft: '1px solid #ccc', borderRight: '1px solid #ccc', borderBottom: '0px', backgroundColor: '#fff'}); for (var i = 0; i < this.selOptions.length; i++) { var opt = this.selOptions[i]; var itmContain = new bkElement('div').setStyle({overflow: 'hidden', borderBottom: '1px solid #ccc', width: '88px', textAlign: 'left', overflow : 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer'}); var itm = new bkElement('div').setStyle({padding: '0px 4px'}).setContent(opt[1]).appendTo(itmContain).noSelect(); itm.addEvent('click', this.update.closure(this, opt[0])).addEvent('mouseover', this.over.closure(this, itm)).addEvent('mouseout', this.out.closure(this, itm)).setAttributes('id', opt[0]); this.pane.append(itmContain); if (!window.opera) { itm.onmousedown = bkLib.cancelEvent; } } }, close: function() { if (this.pane) { this.pane = this.pane.remove(); } }, over: function(opt) { opt.setStyle({backgroundColor: '#ccc'}); }, out: function(opt) { opt.setStyle({backgroundColor: '#fff'}); }, add: function(k, v) { this.selOptions.push(new Array(k, v)); }, update: function(elm) { this.ne.nicCommand(this.options.command, elm); this.close(); } }); var nicEditorFontSizeSelect = nicEditorSelect.extend({ sel: {1: '1 (8pt)', 2: '2 (10pt)', 3: '3 (12pt)', 4: '4 (14pt)', 5: '5 (18pt)', 6: '6 (24pt)'}, init: function() { this.setDisplay('Размер шрифта ...'); for (itm in this.sel) { this.add(itm, '' + this.sel[itm] + ''); } } }); var nicEditorFontFamilySelect = nicEditorSelect.extend({ sel: {'arial': 'Arial', 'comic sans ms': 'Comic Sans', 'courier new': 'Courier New', 'georgia': 'Georgia', 'helvetica': 'Helvetica', 'impact': 'Impact', 'times new roman': 'Times', 'trebuchet ms': 'Trebuchet', 'verdana': 'Verdana'}, init: function() { this.setDisplay('Шрифт ...'); for (itm in this.sel) { this.add(itm, '' + this.sel[itm] + ''); } } }); var nicEditorFontFormatSelect = nicEditorSelect.extend({ sel: {'p': 'Paragraph', 'pre': 'Pre', 'h6': 'Heading 6', 'h5': 'Heading 5', 'h4': 'Heading 4', 'h3': 'Heading 3', 'h2': 'Heading 2', 'h1': 'Heading 1'}, init: function() { this.setDisplay('Стиль ...'); for (itm in this.sel) { var tag = itm.toUpperCase(); this.add('<' + tag + '>', '<' + itm + ' style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">' + this.sel[itm] + ''); } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicSelectOptions); /* START CONFIG */ var nicLinkOptions = { buttons: { 'link': {name: 'Добавить ссылку', type: 'nicLinkButton', tags: ['A']}, 'unlink': {name: 'Удалить ссылку', command: 'unlink', noActive: true} } }; /* END CONFIG */ var nicLinkButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ addPane: function() { this.ln = this.ne.selectedInstance.selElm().parentTag('A'); this.addForm({ '': {type: 'title', txt: 'Добавить/изменить ссылку'}, 'href': {type: 'text', txt: 'URL', value: 'http://', style: {width: '150px'}}, 'title': {type: 'text', txt: 'Тайтл'}, 'target': {type: 'select', txt: 'Открыть в', options: {'': 'Текущем окне', '_blank': 'Новом окне'}, style: {width: '100px'}} }, this.ln); }, submit: function(e) { var url = this.inputs['href'].value; if (url == "http://" || url == "") { alert("Вы должны указать URL, что бы создать ссылку"); return false; } this.removePane(); if (!this.ln) { var tmp = 'javascript:nicTemp();'; this.ne.nicCommand("createlink", tmp); this.ln = this.findElm('A', 'href', tmp); } if (this.ln) { this.ln.setAttributes({ href: this.inputs['href'].value, title: this.inputs['title'].value, target: this.inputs['target'].options[this.inputs['target'].selectedIndex].value }); } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicLinkOptions); /* START CONFIG */ var nicColorOptions = { buttons: { 'forecolor': {name: __('Изменить цвет текста'), type: 'nicEditorColorButton', noClose: true}, 'bgcolor': {name: __('Изменить цвет фона'), type: 'nicEditorBgColorButton', noClose: true} } }; /* END CONFIG */ var nicEditorColorButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ addPane: function() { var colorList = ['ef001b', 'cc0017', 'a60012', '83000e', '5c000a', 'ef0078', 'ce0067', 'ad0057', '8b0045', '6a0035', 'e301ed', 'c501ce', 'a401ab', '88018e', '610066', '6716ef', '5913ce', '4b10af', '3e0d90', '2d0a6a', 'f13449', 'd52437', 'bb1d2e', '980b1a', '70000c', 'f32a8f', 'd5207a', 'b21162', '970c51', '710039', 'e624ef', 'cc20d4', 'ad10b4', '900995', '6f0374', '7b38ed', '6c2fd2', '5c27b5', '471a94', '391379', 'f67684', 'e36875', 'ca5965', 'b34e59', '933c45', 'f563ac', 'de599b', 'cc5490', 'b24d7f', '96416c', 'ee68f4', 'db5fe1', 'c759cc', 'b255b6', '964799', 'a779f5', '976cdf', '8d68cc', '7f5eb7', '6f539c', 'fcc0c6', 'eea8af', 'dd959c', 'ce8c93', 'bc858b', 'fec7e2', 'f4b8d6', 'e5a6c6', 'd495b4', 'bb85a0', 'fabffd', 'eeaff1', 'e19fe4', 'cf90d2', 'b985bb', 'e0c3fd', 'd1b1f1', 'c1a0e2', 'b192d1', 'a489c0', 'fef5f6', 'fdeced', 'f7dee0', 'eacedc', 'dec1d0', 'fef3f8', 'fbe8f1', 'efd0e0', 'e6c7d6', 'd9b8c8', 'fef2fe', 'fae6fb', 'f1d3f2', 'e3c1e4', 'd8bad9', 'f5edfe', 'f0e5fb', 'e1d3ef', 'd9cbe7', 'cdbfdc', '028b6c', '02775d', '02644e', '015441', '013b2e', '1882ed', '1574d4', '115eab', '0e4f90', '0a3764', '0040eb', '0039d0', '0030b1', '002892', '001b64', '50509e', '46468b', '3a3a73', '303060', '222245', '279980', '1c856e', '15705b', '0b5b49', '054637', '3c95ee', '3283d5', '286fb8', '1b5997', '0c3e71', '2a61f3', '1d4ed3', '1640b2', '113699', '022072', '6d6db0', '5d5d99', '4c4c82', '373763', '29294d', '69baa7', '61a898', '57998a', '508b7d', '47776c', '7bb8f5', '6ea7e0', '6195c9', '5684b2', '4c7298', '6d92f5', '5f82e0', '5675c9', '4d68b2', '495f9a', '9b9bc9', '8b8bb6', '7e7ea5', '747496', '5f5f7a', 'd0eae4', 'b3d7cf', '9bc4ba', '8fb4ac', '86a49d', 'c3dffc', 'aacdf0', '9bbde0', '97b4d1', '94acc4', 'bdcdfb', 'a8bbef', '96aae1', '8a9bcb', '8393c0', 'd8d8eb', 'c7c7dc', 'b5b5cc', 'a5a5bc', '9898ac', 'f0f8f6', 'deedea', 'd7e6e2', 'ceddda', 'c8d6d2', 'f1f7fe', 'e5f0fb', 'd8e5f2', 'cfdbe7', 'c3cfda', 'eff3fe', 'e5eafa', 'dde3f4', 'd2d8ea', 'c3cadd', 'f4f4f9', 'e5e5ef', 'dbdbe5', 'd6d6df', 'd1d1d9', '00a000', '008d00', '007700', '006000', '004500', '86d800', '73ba00', '629e00', '528400', '395c00', 'eded00', 'cece00', 'afaf00', '909000', '737300', 'e3ab00', 'c79600', 'aa8000', '856400', '604800', '27b127', '229c22', '1b881b', '0f6e0f', '085408', '96dc24', '84c220', '6ea515', '5c8b0f', '3f6600', 'f1f12c', 'd3d31b', 'b2b211', '959509', '747403', 'e8b827', 'cda220', 'b18a15', '8c6c0a', '6e5300', '68c868', '5cb65c', '56a456', '4b924b', '488248', 'b7e768', 'a8d45f', '97c056', '86aa4d', '718e41', 'f1f164', 'e1e15d', 'caca58', 'b2b24d', '979746', 'eecc65', 'dabc5e', 'c7ac59', 'b09850', '948044', 'c6ecc6', 'addead', '96cd96', '87b987', '87b087', 'e1f6c0', 'd0eba6', 'c1d99a', 'b1c88c', 'a4b786', 'fbfbad', 'f1f194', 'e2e28e', 'cece8c', 'b9b982', 'faeaba', 'f2dfa7', 'e6d090', 'cbbb8b', 'b6a778', 'eef9ee', 'dff1df', 'd5e8d5', 'c6dbc6', 'bed1be', 'f1fbe2', 'e9f5d5', 'dfebcd', 'd4e1c0', 'c9d5b6', 'fefef0', 'fafae3', 'f0f0cb', 'e4e4c5', 'dadaba', 'fdf8ea', 'f9f2de', 'eee4c7', 'dfd7bf', 'd6cfb7', '818181', '676767', '494949', '272727', '000000', '783c00', '673300', '562b00', '472300', '341a00', 'eb4600', 'cd3d00', 'ad3300', '8f2a00', '671e00', 'ed7700', 'd26900', 'af5800', '904800', '643200', '989898', '838383', '646464', '515151', '2f2f2f', '8c5927', '7c4f23', '673f19', '583616', '402408', 'eb5f26', 'd1521e', 'b34315', '95330a', '702303', 'f08c28', 'd47a20', 'b96816', '954f09', '713902', 'c9c9c9', 'a9a9a9', '919191', '787878', '565656', 'af8b68', 'a28264', '917458', '856d55', '715c49', 'f19068', 'dd8561', 'c97654', 'b47053', '985d45', 'f5ac63', 'e1a05f', 'ca9259', 'b78451', '966b41', 'efefef', 'dcdcdc', 'c1c1c1', '9d9d9d', '828282', 'dbcab9', 'ccb8a5', 'bda792', 'a3917f', '9a8979', 'fbcebc', 'f1bba5', 'e1aa93', 'ce9f8b', 'b18b7b', 'fcd7b3', 'f3caa2', 'e7b98c', 'c8a078', 'b29171', 'ffffff', 'f7f7f7', 'ededed', 'dddddd', 'c9c9c9', 'f4efeb', 'efe8e1', 'e6ded6', 'dbd3cc', 'd0c9c2', 'fef5f2', 'fae8e1', 'f0dbd3', 'e1cbc2', 'd6beb5', 'fef7f0', 'faecde', 'f1e2d3', 'e3d3c3', 'dacaba']; var colorItems = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({width: '270px'}); for (var color in colorList) { var colorCode = '#' + colorList[color]; var colorSquare = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({'cursor': 'pointer', 'height': '15px', 'float': 'left'}).appendTo(colorItems); var colorBorder = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({border: '2px solid ' + colorCode}).appendTo(colorSquare); var colorInner = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({backgroundColor: colorCode, overflow: 'hidden', width: '9px', height: '12px'}).addEvent('click', this.colorSelect.closure(this, colorCode)).addEvent('mouseover', this.on.closure(this, colorBorder)).addEvent('mouseout', this.off.closure(this, colorBorder, colorCode)).appendTo(colorBorder); colorInner.setAttribute('title', colorCode); if (!window.opera) { colorSquare.onmousedown = colorInner.onmousedown = bkLib.cancelEvent; } } this.pane.append(colorItems.noSelect()); }, colorSelect: function(c) { this.ne.nicCommand('foreColor', c); this.removePane(); }, on: function(colorBorder) { colorBorder.setStyle({border: '2px solid #000'}); }, off: function(colorBorder, colorCode) { colorBorder.setStyle({border: '2px solid ' + colorCode}); } }); var nicEditorBgColorButton = nicEditorColorButton.extend({ colorSelect: function(c) { this.ne.nicCommand('hiliteColor', c); this.removePane(); } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicColorOptions); /* START CONFIG */ var nicImageOptions = { buttons: { 'image': {name: 'Добавить изображение', type: 'nicImageButton', tags: ['IMG']} } }; /* END CONFIG */ var nicImageButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ addPane: function() { this.im = this.ne.selectedInstance.selElm().parentTag('IMG'); this.addForm({ '': {type: 'title', txt: 'Добавить/изменить изображение'}, 'src': {type: 'text', txt: 'URL', 'value': 'http://', style: {width: '150px'}}, 'alt': {type: 'text', txt: 'Alt текст', style: {width: '100px'}}, 'align': {type: 'select', txt: 'Выравнивание', options: {none: 'По умолчанию', 'left': 'Слева', 'right': 'Справа'}} }, this.im); }, submit: function(e) { var src = this.inputs['src'].value; if (src == "" || src == "http://") { alert("Вы должны указать URL что бы вставить изображение"); return false; } this.removePane(); if (!this.im) { var tmp = 'javascript:nicImTemp();'; this.ne.nicCommand("insertImage", tmp); this.im = this.findElm('IMG', 'src', tmp); } if (this.im) { this.im.setAttributes({ src: this.inputs['src'].value, alt: this.inputs['alt'].value, align: this.inputs['align'].value }); } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicImageOptions); /* START CONFIG */ var nicSaveOptions = { buttons: { 'save': {name: __('Сохранить контент'), type: 'nicEditorSaveButton'} } }; /* END CONFIG */ var nicEditorSaveButton = nicEditorButton.extend({ init: function() { if (!this.ne.options.onSave) { this.margin.setStyle({'display': 'none'}); } }, mouseClick: function() { var onSave = this.ne.options.onSave; var selectedInstance = this.ne.selectedInstance; onSave(selectedInstance.getContent(), selectedInstance.elm.id, selectedInstance); } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicSaveOptions); /* START CONFIG */ var nicUploadOptions = { buttons: { 'upload': {name: 'Загрузить изображение', type: 'nicUploadButton'} } }; /* END CONFIG */ var nicUploadButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ nicURI: 'http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.json', errorText: 'Не удалось загрузить изображение!', addPane: function() { if (typeof window.FormData === "undefined") { return this.onError("Ваш браузер не поддерживает загрузку изображений, используйте Chrome, Firefox или Safari."); } this.im = this.ne.selectedInstance.selElm().parentTag('IMG'); var container = new bkElement('div') .setStyle({padding: '10px'}) .appendTo(this.pane.pane); new bkElement('div') .setStyle({fontSize: '14px', fontWeight: 'bold', paddingBottom: '5px'}) .setContent('Вставить изображение') .appendTo(container); this.fileInput = new bkElement('input') .setAttributes({'type': 'file'}) .appendTo(container); this.progress = new bkElement('progress') .setStyle({width: '100%', display: 'none'}) .setAttributes('max', 100) .appendTo(container); this.fileInput.onchange = this.uploadFile.closure(this); }, onError: function(msg) { this.removePane(); alert(msg || "Не удалось загрузить изображение!"); }, uploadFile: function() { var file = this.fileInput.files[0]; //console.log(file); if (!file || !file.type.match(/image.*/)) { this.onError("Загрузить можно только файлы изображений"); return; } this.fileInput.setStyle({display: 'none'}); this.setProgress(0); //console.log('setProgress(0)'); var fd = new FormData(); // https://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/01/how-to-develop-a-html5-image-uploader/ fd.append("image", file); fd.append("key", "b7ea18a4ecbda8e92203fa4968d10660"); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", this.ne.options.uploadURI || this.nicURI); xhr.onload = function() { try { //console.log('1'); //console.log(xhr.responseText); var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } catch (e) { return this.onError(); } this.onUploaded(res.upload); }.closure(this); xhr.onerror = this.onError.closure(this); xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) { this.setProgress(e.loaded / e.total); }.closure(this); //console.log(xhr); //console.log(fd); xhr.send(fd); }, setProgress: function(percent) { this.progress.setStyle({display: 'block'}); if (percent < .98) { this.progress.value = percent; } else { this.progress.removeAttribute('value'); } }, onUploaded: function(options) { this.removePane(); var src = options.links.original; if (!this.im) { this.ne.selectedInstance.restoreRng(); var tmp = 'javascript:nicImTemp();'; this.ne.nicCommand("insertImage", src); this.im = this.findElm('IMG', 'src', src); } var w = parseInt(this.ne.selectedInstance.elm.getStyle('width')); if (this.im) { this.im.setAttributes({ src: src, width: (w && options.image.width) ? Math.min(w, options.image.width) : '' }); } } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicUploadOptions); var nicXHTML = bkClass.extend({ stripAttributes: ['_moz_dirty', '_moz_resizing', '_extended'], noShort: ['style', 'title', 'script', 'textarea', 'a'], cssReplace: {'font-weight:bold;': 'strong', 'font-style:italic;': 'em'}, sizes: {1: 'xx-small', 2: 'x-small', 3: 'small', 4: 'medium', 5: 'large', 6: 'x-large'}, construct: function(nicEditor) { this.ne = nicEditor; if (this.ne.options.xhtml) { nicEditor.addEvent('get', this.cleanup.closure(this)); } }, cleanup: function(ni) { var node = ni.getElm(); var xhtml = this.toXHTML(node); ni.content = xhtml; }, toXHTML: function(n, r, d) { var txt = ''; var attrTxt = ''; var cssTxt = ''; var nType = n.nodeType; var nName = n.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var nChild = n.hasChildNodes && n.hasChildNodes(); var extraNodes = new Array(); switch (nType) { case 1: var nAttributes = n.attributes; switch (nName) { case 'b': nName = 'strong'; break; case 'i': nName = 'em'; break; case 'font': nName = 'span'; break; } if (r) { for (var i = 0; i < nAttributes.length; i++) { var attr = nAttributes[i]; var attributeName = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var attributeValue = attr.nodeValue; if (!attr.specified || !attributeValue || bkLib.inArray(this.stripAttributes, attributeName) || typeof(attributeValue) == "function") { continue; } switch (attributeName) { case 'style': var css = attributeValue.replace(/ /g, ""); for (itm in this.cssReplace) { if (css.indexOf(itm) != -1) { extraNodes.push(this.cssReplace[itm]); css = css.replace(itm, ''); } } cssTxt += css; attributeValue = ""; break; case 'class': attributeValue = attributeValue.replace("Apple-style-span", ""); break; case 'size': cssTxt += "font-size:" + this.sizes[attributeValue] + ';'; attributeValue = ""; break; } if (attributeValue) { attrTxt += ' ' + attributeName + '="' + attributeValue + '"'; } } if (cssTxt) { attrTxt += ' style="' + cssTxt + '"'; } for (var i = 0; i < extraNodes.length; i++) { txt += '<' + extraNodes[i] + '>'; } if (attrTxt == "" && nName == "span") { r = false; } if (r) { txt += '<' + nName; if (nName != 'br') { txt += attrTxt; } } } if (!nChild && !bkLib.inArray(this.noShort, attributeName)) { if (r) { txt += ' />'; } } else { if (r) { txt += '>'; } for (var i = 0; i < n.childNodes.length; i++) { var results = this.toXHTML(n.childNodes[i], true, true); if (results) { txt += results; } } } if (r && nChild) { txt += ''; } for (var i = 0; i < extraNodes.length; i++) { txt += ''; } break; case 3: //if(n.nodeValue != '\n') { txt += n.nodeValue; //} break; } return txt; } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicXHTML); var nicBBCode = bkClass.extend({ construct: function(nicEditor) { this.ne = nicEditor; if (this.ne.options.bbCode) { nicEditor.addEvent('get', this.bbGet.closure(this)); nicEditor.addEvent('set', this.bbSet.closure(this)); var loadedPlugins = this.ne.loadedPlugins; for (itm in loadedPlugins) { if (loadedPlugins[itm].toXHTML) { this.xhtml = loadedPlugins[itm]; } } } }, bbGet: function(ni) { var xhtml = this.xhtml.toXHTML(ni.getElm()); ni.content = this.toBBCode(xhtml); }, bbSet: function(ni) { ni.content = this.fromBBCode(ni.content); }, toBBCode: function(xhtml) { function rp(r, m) { xhtml = xhtml.replace(r, m); } rp(/\n/gi, ""); rp(/(.*?)<\/strong>/gi, "[b]$1[/b]"); rp(/(.*?)<\/em>/gi, "[i]$1[/i]"); rp(/(.*?)<\/span>/gi, "[u]$1[/u]"); rp(/
    (.*?)<\/ul>/gi, "[list]$1[/list]"); rp(/
  • (.*?)<\/li>/gi, "[*]$1[/*]"); rp(/
      (.*?)<\/ol>/gi, "[list=1]$1[/list]"); rp(//gi, "[img]$1[/img]"); rp(/(.*?)<\/a>/gi, "[url=$1]$2[/url]"); rp(//gi, "\n"); rp(/<.*?>.*?<\/.*?>/gi, ""); return xhtml; }, fromBBCode: function(bbCode) { function rp(r, m) { bbCode = bbCode.replace(r, m); } rp(/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/gi, "$1"); rp(/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/gi, "$1"); rp(/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/gi, "$1"); rp(/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list\]/gi, "
      "); rp(/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list\]/gi, "
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    1. $1
    2. "); rp(/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/gi, ""); rp(/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gi, "$2"); rp(/\n/gi, "
      "); //rp(/\[.*?\](.*?)\[\/.*?\]/gi,"$1"); return bbCode; } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicBBCode); nicEditor = nicEditor.extend({ floatingPanel: function() { this.floating = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({position: 'absolute', top: '-1000px'}).appendTo(document.body); this.addEvent('focus', this.reposition.closure(this)).addEvent('blur', this.hide.closure(this)); this.setPanel(this.floating); }, reposition: function() { var e = this.selectedInstance.e; this.floating.setStyle({width: (parseInt(e.getStyle('width')) || e.clientWidth) + 'px'}); var top = e.offsetTop - this.floating.offsetHeight; if (top < 0) { top = e.offsetTop + e.offsetHeight; } this.floating.setStyle({top: top + 'px', left: e.offsetLeft + 'px', display: 'block'}); }, hide: function() { this.floating.setStyle({top: '-1000px'}); } }); /* START CONFIG */ var nicCodeOptions = { buttons: { 'xhtml': {name: 'Редактировать HTML', type: 'nicCodeButton'} } }; /* END CONFIG */ var nicCodeButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({ width: '350px', addPane: function() { this.addForm({ '': {type: 'title', txt: 'Редактировать HTML'}, 'code': {type: 'content', 'value': this.ne.selectedInstance.getContent(), style: {width: '340px', height: '200px'}} }); }, submit: function(e) { var code = this.inputs['code'].value; this.ne.selectedInstance.setContent(code); this.removePane(); } }); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicCodeOptions); /* Images Manager Button - Lead Pepelats ©2013 ( http://lead-pepelats.ru/ ) */ var nicImagesManagerOptions = { buttons: { 'imagesManager': {name: 'Менеджер изображений', type: 'nicImagesManagerButton'} } }; var nicImagesManagerButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({addPane: function() { this.uri = this.ne.options.imanagerURI; this.requestInterval = 1500; this.error = false; this.message; this.im = this.ne.selectedInstance.selElm().parentTag("IMG"); this.mgr = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({height: 'auto', paddingBottom: '15px'}).appendTo(this.pane.pane); this.myForm = this.createElement('
      ').setAttributes({method: 'post', action: this.uri, target: 'frame'}); this.frameWrapper = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({display: 'none'}).appendTo(this.pane.pane); this.myFrame = this.createElement('').setAttributes({src: this.uri}).appendTo(this.frameWrapper); setTimeout(this.updateList.closure(this), 50) }, getForm: function(A) { new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({margin: "15px 0px 15px 0px", fontSize: "12px", fontWeight: "bold"}).setContent('Загрузить изображение:').appendTo(this.myForm); this.createElement('').addEvent("change", this.startUpload.closure(this, A)).setStyle({margin: "0px 0px 0px 15px", fontSize: "12px"}).appendTo(this.myForm); this.createElement('').setAttributes({value: (typeof A != 'undefined' ? A : '/')}).appendTo(this.myForm); return this.myForm; }, startUpload: function(A) { this.myForm.submit(); setTimeout(this.getResponse.closure(this), this.requestInterval) setTimeout(this.updateList.closure(this, A), this.requestInterval); }, getResponse: function() { var data = this.myFrame.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; if (data) { try { var response = eval('(' + (data) + ')'); if (response.status == 'error') this.error = true; this.message = response.message; } catch (e) { this.error = true; this.message = 'Не удалось получить разультат загрузки файла'; } } }, setMessage: function(E, T) { if (typeof E == 'string') { var C = '000000'; if (T == 'error') C = 'FF0000'; if (T == 'message') C = '009900'; return new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({textAlign: 'center', color: '#' + C, margin: '15px 0px 15px 0px', fontSize: "12px"}).setContent(E); } }, updateList: function(B) { this.mgr.setContent(''); this.myForm.innerHTML = ''; if (this.message) { this.setMessage(this.message, this.error ? 'error' : 'message').appendTo(this.myForm); this.error = this.message = ''; } this.mgr.appendChild(this.getList(B)); }, getList: function(A) { var list = new bkElement('DIV'); if (typeof this.ne.options.imanagerURI == 'string') { var wait = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({margin: '30px 0px', textAlign: 'center', fontSize: "12px"}).setContent('Подождите ...').appendTo(list); var $this = this; var $list = list; var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari else xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); // code for IE6, IE5 //console.log(this.ne.options.imanagerURI); xmlhttp.open("POST", this.ne.options.imanagerURI, true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { //console.log(this.readyState+"="+this.status+"="+this.responseText); if (this.readyState == 4) { if (this.status == 200) { wait.setStyle({display: 'none'}); if (this.responseText) { try { var obj = eval('(' + this.responseText + ')'); new bkElement('DIV').setAttributes({id: 'path'}).setStyle({margin: '15px 0px 15px 0px', fontSize: "12px"}).setContent('Путь: ' + obj.path).appendTo($list); for (var i in obj.items) { var item = obj.items[i]; //console.log(item);/*ext: "file" name: "/upload/blog/681/Lekciya2018.docx" type: "file" */ //if (item.type != 'folder' && typeof $this.ne.options.iconList[item.ext] == 'undefined') //if (item.type != 'folder') continue; var li = new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({cursor: 'pointer', clear: 'both', margin: '5px 0px 5px 20px', fontSize: "12px"}); new bkElement('DIV').setStyle({width: '18px', height: '18px', float: 'left', marginRight: '4px', backgroundImage: "url('" + $this.ne.options.iconsPath + "')", backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: ((typeof $this.ne.options.iconList[item.ext] != 'undefined' ? $this.ne.options.iconList[item.ext] - 1 : 28) * -18) + 'px 0px'}).appendTo(li); new bkElement('SPAN').setContent(item.name).appendTo(li); if (item.type == 'folder') li.addEvent('click', $this.updateList.closure($this, obj.path + item.name)).addEvent('mouseover', $this.on.closure($this, li)).addEvent('mouseout', $this.off.closure($this, li)).appendTo($list); else{ li.addEvent('click', $this.image.closure($this, obj.path + item.name, item.name)).addEvent('mouseover', $this.on.closure($this, li)).addEvent('mouseout', $this.off.closure($this, li)).appendTo($list); //console.log(obj.path + item.name+"|"); } if (item.type == 'folder' && item.name == '..') var title = 'Перейти на уровень выше'; else if (item.type == 'folder') var title = 'Открыть папку'; if (item.type == 'file') var title = 'Вставить картинку или документ'; if (typeof title != 'undefined') li.setAttribute('title', title); } } catch (e) { alert(e); this.setMessage('Произошла ошибка!
      Не удалось получить список файлов!', 'error').appendTo($list); } } else this.setMessage('Ошибка получения данных с сервера', 'error').appendTo($list); } } } try { xmlhttp.send("path=" + encodeURIComponent(typeof A != 'undefined' ? A : '/')); } catch (e) { alert(e); } this.mgr.appendChild(this.getForm(A)); } else this.setMessage('В конфигурации NicEdit не установлены необходимые для работы менеджера изображений параметры (imanagerURI)', 'error').appendTo(list); return list; }, on: function(A) { A.setStyle({textDecoration: 'underline'}) }, off: function(A) { A.setStyle({textDecoration: 'none'}) }, image: function(A, B) { this.removePane(); //console.log(A);// //upload/blog/681/Lekciya2018.docx //console.log(B);// /upload/blog/681/Lekciya2018.docx //console.log(e[e.length-1]); var e = B.split('.'); var ext = e[e.length-1]; /*if(ext!='GIF'&&ext!='JPG'&&ext!='PNG'&&ext!='BMP'&&ext!='gif'&&ext!='jpg'&&ext!='png'&&ext!='bmp'){ if (!this.im) { var C = "javascript:nicTemp();"; this.ne.nicCommand("createlink", C); this.im = this.findElm("A", "href", C) } if (this.im) { this.im.setAttributes({href: A.substring(1), title: B, target:"_blank"}) } }else{*/ if (!this.im) { var C = "javascript:nicImTemp();"; this.ne.nicCommand("insertImage", C); this.im = this.findElm("IMG", "src", C) } if (this.im) { this.im.setAttributes({src: A.substring(1), alt: B})//.setStyle({float: 'left', width: "300px"}) } //} if(ext!='GIF'&&ext!='JPG'&&ext!='PNG'&&ext!='BMP'&&ext!='gif'&&ext!='jpg'&&ext!='png'&&ext!='bmp'){ var tt = B.split('/'); //console.log(tt); this.im.outerHTML = ""+tt[4]+""; } }, createElement: function(A) { if (typeof A == 'string') { var tmp = document.createElement('div'); tmp.innerHTML = A; tmp = $BK(tmp.firstChild); return tmp; } }}); nicEditors.registerPlugin(nicPlugin, nicImagesManagerOptions);