self::FORMAT_CODE_GENERAL, 'source_linked' => 1 ); /** * Axis Options * * @var array of mixed */ private $axisOptions = array( 'minimum' => null, 'maximum' => null, 'major_unit' => null, 'minor_unit' => null, 'orientation' => self::ORIENTATION_NORMAL, 'minor_tick_mark' => self::TICK_MARK_NONE, 'major_tick_mark' => self::TICK_MARK_NONE, 'axis_labels' => self::AXIS_LABELS_NEXT_TO, 'horizontal_crosses' => self::HORIZONTAL_CROSSES_AUTOZERO, 'horizontal_crosses_value' => null ); /** * Fill Properties * * @var array of mixed */ private $fillProperties = array( 'type' => self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_ARGB, 'value' => null, 'alpha' => 0 ); /** * Line Properties * * @var array of mixed */ private $lineProperties = array( 'type' => self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_ARGB, 'value' => null, 'alpha' => 0 ); /** * Line Style Properties * * @var array of mixed */ private $lineStyleProperties = array( 'width' => '9525', 'compound' => self::LINE_STYLE_COMPOUND_SIMPLE, 'dash' => self::LINE_STYLE_DASH_SOLID, 'cap' => self::LINE_STYLE_CAP_FLAT, 'join' => self::LINE_STYLE_JOIN_BEVEL, 'arrow' => array( 'head' => array( 'type' => self::LINE_STYLE_ARROW_TYPE_NOARROW, 'size' => self::LINE_STYLE_ARROW_SIZE_5 ), 'end' => array( 'type' => self::LINE_STYLE_ARROW_TYPE_NOARROW, 'size' => self::LINE_STYLE_ARROW_SIZE_8 ), ) ); /** * Shadow Properties * * @var array of mixed */ private $shadowProperties = array( 'presets' => self::SHADOW_PRESETS_NOSHADOW, 'effect' => null, 'color' => array( 'type' => self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_STANDARD, 'value' => 'black', 'alpha' => 40, ), 'size' => array( 'sx' => null, 'sy' => null, 'kx' => null ), 'blur' => null, 'direction' => null, 'distance' => null, 'algn' => null, 'rotWithShape' => null ); /** * Glow Properties * * @var array of mixed */ private $glowProperties = array( 'size' => null, 'color' => array( 'type' => self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_STANDARD, 'value' => 'black', 'alpha' => 40 ) ); /** * Soft Edge Properties * * @var array of mixed */ private $softEdges = array( 'size' => null ); /** * Get Series Data Type * * @return string */ public function setAxisNumberProperties($format_code) { $this->axisNumber['format'] = (string) $format_code; $this->axisNumber['source_linked'] = 0; } /** * Get Axis Number Format Data Type * * @return string */ public function getAxisNumberFormat() { return $this->axisNumber['format']; } /** * Get Axis Number Source Linked * * @return string */ public function getAxisNumberSourceLinked() { return (string) $this->axisNumber['source_linked']; } /** * Set Axis Options Properties * * @param string $axis_labels * @param string $horizontal_crosses_value * @param string $horizontal_crosses * @param string $axis_orientation * @param string $major_tmt * @param string $minor_tmt * @param string $minimum * @param string $maximum * @param string $major_unit * @param string $minor_unit * */ public function setAxisOptionsProperties($axis_labels, $horizontal_crosses_value = null, $horizontal_crosses = null, $axis_orientation = null, $major_tmt = null, $minor_tmt = null, $minimum = null, $maximum = null, $major_unit = null, $minor_unit = null) { $this->axisOptions['axis_labels'] = (string) $axis_labels; ($horizontal_crosses_value !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['horizontal_crosses_value'] = (string) $horizontal_crosses_value : null; ($horizontal_crosses !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['horizontal_crosses'] = (string) $horizontal_crosses : null; ($axis_orientation !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['orientation'] = (string) $axis_orientation : null; ($major_tmt !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['major_tick_mark'] = (string) $major_tmt : null; ($minor_tmt !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['minor_tick_mark'] = (string) $minor_tmt : null; ($minor_tmt !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['minor_tick_mark'] = (string) $minor_tmt : null; ($minimum !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['minimum'] = (string) $minimum : null; ($maximum !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['maximum'] = (string) $maximum : null; ($major_unit !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['major_unit'] = (string) $major_unit : null; ($minor_unit !== null) ? $this->axisOptions['minor_unit'] = (string) $minor_unit : null; } /** * Get Axis Options Property * * @param string $property * * @return string */ public function getAxisOptionsProperty($property) { return $this->axisOptions[$property]; } /** * Set Axis Orientation Property * * @param string $orientation * */ public function setAxisOrientation($orientation) { $this->orientation = (string) $orientation; } /** * Set Fill Property * * @param string $color * @param int $alpha * @param string $type * */ public function setFillParameters($color, $alpha = 0, $type = self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_ARGB) { $this->fillProperties = $this->setColorProperties($color, $alpha, $type); } /** * Set Line Property * * @param string $color * @param int $alpha * @param string $type * */ public function setLineParameters($color, $alpha = 0, $type = self::EXCEL_COLOR_TYPE_ARGB) { $this->lineProperties = $this->setColorProperties($color, $alpha, $type); } /** * Get Fill Property * * @param string $property * * @return string */ public function getFillProperty($property) { return $this->fillProperties[$property]; } /** * Get Line Property * * @param string $property * * @return string */ public function getLineProperty($property) { return $this->lineProperties[$property]; } /** * Set Line Style Properties * * @param float $line_width * @param string $compound_type * @param string $dash_type * @param string $cap_type * @param string $join_type * @param string $head_arrow_type * @param string $head_arrow_size * @param string $end_arrow_type * @param string $end_arrow_size * */ public function setLineStyleProperties($line_width = null, $compound_type = null, $dash_type = null, $cap_type = null, $join_type = null, $head_arrow_type = null, $head_arrow_size = null, $end_arrow_type = null, $end_arrow_size = null) { (!is_null($line_width)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['width'] = $this->getExcelPointsWidth((float) $line_width) : null; (!is_null($compound_type)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['compound'] = (string) $compound_type : null; (!is_null($dash_type)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['dash'] = (string) $dash_type : null; (!is_null($cap_type)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['cap'] = (string) $cap_type : null; (!is_null($join_type)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['join'] = (string) $join_type : null; (!is_null($head_arrow_type)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['arrow']['head']['type'] = (string) $head_arrow_type : null; (!is_null($head_arrow_size)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['arrow']['head']['size'] = (string) $head_arrow_size : null; (!is_null($end_arrow_type)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['arrow']['end']['type'] = (string) $end_arrow_type : null; (!is_null($end_arrow_size)) ? $this->lineStyleProperties['arrow']['end']['size'] = (string) $end_arrow_size : null; } /** * Get Line Style Property * * @param array|string $elements * * @return string */ public function getLineStyleProperty($elements) { return $this->getArrayElementsValue($this->lineStyleProperties, $elements); } /** * Get Line Style Arrow Excel Width * * @param string $arrow * * @return string */ public function getLineStyleArrowWidth($arrow) { return $this->getLineStyleArrowSize($this->lineStyleProperties['arrow'][$arrow]['size'], 'w'); } /** * Get Line Style Arrow Excel Length * * @param string $arrow * * @return string */ public function getLineStyleArrowLength($arrow) { return $this->getLineStyleArrowSize($this->lineStyleProperties['arrow'][$arrow]['size'], 'len'); } /** * Set Shadow Properties * * @param int $shadow_presets * @param string $sh_color_value * @param string $sh_color_type * @param string $sh_color_alpha * @param float $sh_blur * @param int $sh_angle * @param float $sh_distance * */ public function setShadowProperties($sh_presets, $sh_color_value = null, $sh_color_type = null, $sh_color_alpha = null, $sh_blur = null, $sh_angle = null, $sh_distance = null) { $this->setShadowPresetsProperties((int) $sh_presets) ->setShadowColor( is_null($sh_color_value) ? $this->shadowProperties['color']['value'] : $sh_color_value, is_null($sh_color_alpha) ? (int) $this->shadowProperties['color']['alpha'] : $sh_color_alpha, is_null($sh_color_type) ? $this->shadowProperties['color']['type'] : $sh_color_type ) ->setShadowBlur($sh_blur) ->setShadowAngle($sh_angle) ->setShadowDistance($sh_distance); } /** * Set Shadow Color * * @param int $shadow_presets * * @return PHPExcel_Chart_Axis */ private function setShadowPresetsProperties($shadow_presets) { $this->shadowProperties['presets'] = $shadow_presets; $this->setShadowProperiesMapValues($this->getShadowPresetsMap($shadow_presets)); return $this; } /** * Set Shadow Properties from Maped Values * * @param array $properties_map * @param * $reference * * @return PHPExcel_Chart_Axis */ private function setShadowProperiesMapValues(array $properties_map, &$reference = null) { $base_reference = $reference; foreach ($properties_map as $property_key => $property_val) { if (is_array($property_val)) { if ($reference === null) { $reference = & $this->shadowProperties[$property_key]; } else { $reference = & $reference[$property_key]; } $this->setShadowProperiesMapValues($property_val, $reference); } else { if ($base_reference === null) { $this->shadowProperties[$property_key] = $property_val; } else { $reference[$property_key] = $property_val; } } } return $this; } /** * Set Shadow Color * * @param string $color * @param int $alpha * @param string $type * * @return PHPExcel_Chart_Axis */ private function setShadowColor($color, $alpha, $type) { $this->shadowProperties['color'] = $this->setColorProperties($color, $alpha, $type); return $this; } /** * Set Shadow Blur * * @param float $blur * * @return PHPExcel_Chart_Axis */ private function setShadowBlur($blur) { if ($blur !== null) { $this->shadowProperties['blur'] = (string) $this->getExcelPointsWidth($blur); } return $this; } /** * Set Shadow Angle * * @param int $angle * * @return PHPExcel_Chart_Axis */ private function setShadowAngle($angle) { if ($angle !== null) { $this->shadowProperties['direction'] = (string) $this->getExcelPointsAngle($angle); } return $this; } /** * Set Shadow Distance * * @param float $distance * * @return PHPExcel_Chart_Axis */ private function setShadowDistance($distance) { if ($distance !== null) { $this->shadowProperties['distance'] = (string) $this->getExcelPointsWidth($distance); } return $this; } /** * Get Glow Property * * @param float $size * @param string $color_value * @param int $color_alpha * @param string $color_type */ public function getShadowProperty($elements) { return $this->getArrayElementsValue($this->shadowProperties, $elements); } /** * Set Glow Properties * * @param float $size * @param string $color_value * @param int $color_alpha * @param string $color_type */ public function setGlowProperties($size, $color_value = null, $color_alpha = null, $color_type = null) { $this->setGlowSize($size) ->setGlowColor( is_null($color_value) ? $this->glowProperties['color']['value'] : $color_value, is_null($color_alpha) ? (int) $this->glowProperties['color']['alpha'] : $color_alpha, is_null($color_type) ? $this->glowProperties['color']['type'] : $color_type ); } /** * Get Glow Property * * @param array|string $property * * @return string */ public function getGlowProperty($property) { return $this->getArrayElementsValue($this->glowProperties, $property); } /** * Set Glow Color * * @param float $size * * @return PHPExcel_Chart_Axis */ private function setGlowSize($size) { if (!is_null($size)) { $this->glowProperties['size'] = $this->getExcelPointsWidth($size); } return $this; } /** * Set Glow Color * * @param string $color * @param int $alpha * @param string $type * * @return PHPExcel_Chart_Axis */ private function setGlowColor($color, $alpha, $type) { $this->glowProperties['color'] = $this->setColorProperties($color, $alpha, $type); return $this; } /** * Set Soft Edges Size * * @param float $size */ public function setSoftEdges($size) { if (!is_null($size)) { $softEdges['size'] = (string) $this->getExcelPointsWidth($size); } } /** * Get Soft Edges Size * * @return string */ public function getSoftEdgesSize() { return $this->softEdges['size']; } }