
677 lines
22 KiB

* DOMDocumentWrapper class simplifies work with DOMDocument.
* Know bug:
* - in XHTML fragments, <br /> changes to <br clear="none" />
* @todo check XML catalogs compatibility
* @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/gmail.com>
* @package phpQuery
class DOMDocumentWrapper {
* @var DOMDocument
public $document;
public $id;
* @todo Rewrite as method and quess if null.
* @var unknown_type
public $contentType = '';
public $xpath;
public $uuid = 0;
public $data = array();
public $dataNodes = array();
public $events = array();
public $eventsNodes = array();
public $eventsGlobal = array();
* @TODO iframes support http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/issues/detail?id=28
* @var unknown_type
public $frames = array();
* Document root, by default equals to document itself.
* Used by documentFragments.
* @var DOMNode
public $root;
public $isDocumentFragment;
public $isXML = false;
public $isXHTML = false;
public $isHTML = false;
public $charset;
public function __construct($markup = null, $contentType = null, $newDocumentID = null) {
if (isset($markup))
$this->load($markup, $contentType, $newDocumentID);
$this->id = $newDocumentID
? $newDocumentID
: md5(microtime());
public function load($markup, $contentType = null, $newDocumentID = null) {
// phpQuery::$documents[$id] = $this;
$this->contentType = strtolower($contentType);
if ($markup instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) {
$this->document = $markup;
$this->root = $this->document;
$this->charset = $this->document->encoding;
// TODO isDocumentFragment
} else {
$loaded = $this->loadMarkup($markup);
if ($loaded) {
// $this->document->formatOutput = true;
$this->document->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->document);
return true;
// remember last loaded document
// return phpQuery::selectDocument($id);
return false;
protected function afterMarkupLoad() {
if ($this->isXHTML) {
$this->xpath->registerNamespace("html", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml");
protected function loadMarkup($markup) {
$loaded = false;
if ($this->contentType) {
self::debug("Load markup for content type {$this->contentType}");
// content determined by contentType
list($contentType, $charset) = $this->contentTypeToArray($this->contentType);
switch($contentType) {
case 'text/html':
phpQuery::debug("Loading HTML, content type '{$this->contentType}'");
$loaded = $this->loadMarkupHTML($markup, $charset);
case 'text/xml':
case 'application/xhtml+xml':
phpQuery::debug("Loading XML, content type '{$this->contentType}'");
$loaded = $this->loadMarkupXML($markup, $charset);
// for feeds or anything that sometimes doesn't use text/xml
if (strpos('xml', $this->contentType) !== false) {
phpQuery::debug("Loading XML, content type '{$this->contentType}'");
$loaded = $this->loadMarkupXML($markup, $charset);
} else
phpQuery::debug("Could not determine document type from content type '{$this->contentType}'");
} else {
// content type autodetection
if ($this->isXML($markup)) {
phpQuery::debug("Loading XML, isXML() == true");
$loaded = $this->loadMarkupXML($markup);
if (! $loaded && $this->isXHTML) {
phpQuery::debug('Loading as XML failed, trying to load as HTML, isXHTML == true');
$loaded = $this->loadMarkupHTML($markup);
} else {
phpQuery::debug("Loading HTML, isXML() == false");
$loaded = $this->loadMarkupHTML($markup);
return $loaded;
protected function loadMarkupReset() {
$this->isXML = $this->isXHTML = $this->isHTML = false;
protected function documentCreate($charset, $version = '1.0') {
if (! $version)
$version = '1.0';
$this->document = new DOMDocument($version, $charset);
$this->charset = $this->document->encoding;
// $this->document->encoding = $charset;
$this->document->formatOutput = true;
$this->document->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
protected function loadMarkupHTML($markup, $requestedCharset = null) {
if (phpQuery::$debug)
phpQuery::debug('Full markup load (HTML): '.substr($markup, 0, 250));
$this->isHTML = true;
if (!isset($this->isDocumentFragment))
$this->isDocumentFragment = self::isDocumentFragmentHTML($markup);
$charset = null;
$documentCharset = $this->charsetFromHTML($markup);
$addDocumentCharset = false;
if ($documentCharset) {
$charset = $documentCharset;
$markup = $this->charsetFixHTML($markup);
} else if ($requestedCharset) {
$charset = $requestedCharset;
if (! $charset)
$charset = phpQuery::$defaultCharset;
// HTTP 1.1 says that the default charset is ISO-8859-1
// @see http://www.w3.org/International/O-HTTP-charset
if (! $documentCharset) {
$documentCharset = 'ISO-8859-1';
$addDocumentCharset = true;
// Should be careful here, still need 'magic encoding detection' since lots of pages have other 'default encoding'
// Worse, some pages can have mixed encodings... we'll try not to worry about that
$requestedCharset = strtoupper($requestedCharset);
$documentCharset = strtoupper($documentCharset);
phpQuery::debug("DOC: $documentCharset REQ: $requestedCharset");
if ($requestedCharset && $documentCharset && $requestedCharset !== $documentCharset) {
phpQuery::debug("CHARSET CONVERT");
// Document Encoding Conversion
// http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/issues/detail?id=86
if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
$possibleCharsets = array($documentCharset, $requestedCharset, 'AUTO');
$docEncoding = mb_detect_encoding($markup, implode(', ', $possibleCharsets));
if (! $docEncoding)
$docEncoding = $documentCharset; // ok trust the document
phpQuery::debug("DETECTED '$docEncoding'");
// Detected does not match what document says...
if ($docEncoding !== $documentCharset) {
// Tricky..
if ($docEncoding !== $requestedCharset) {
phpQuery::debug("CONVERT $docEncoding => $requestedCharset");
$markup = mb_convert_encoding($markup, $requestedCharset, $docEncoding);
$markup = $this->charsetAppendToHTML($markup, $requestedCharset);
$charset = $requestedCharset;
} else {
phpQuery::debug("TODO: charset conversion without mbstring...");
$return = false;
if ($this->isDocumentFragment) {
phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (HTML), DocumentFragment detected, using charset '$charset'");
$return = $this->documentFragmentLoadMarkup($this, $charset, $markup);
} else {
if ($addDocumentCharset) {
phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (HTML), appending charset: '$charset'");
$markup = $this->charsetAppendToHTML($markup, $charset);
phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (HTML), documentCreate('$charset')");
$return = phpQuery::$debug === 2
? $this->document->loadHTML($markup)
: @$this->document->loadHTML($markup);
if ($return)
$this->root = $this->document;
if ($return && ! $this->contentType)
$this->contentType = 'text/html';
return $return;
protected function loadMarkupXML($markup, $requestedCharset = null) {
if (phpQuery::$debug)
phpQuery::debug('Full markup load (XML): '.substr($markup, 0, 250));
$this->isXML = true;
// check agains XHTML in contentType or markup
$isContentTypeXHTML = $this->isXHTML();
$isMarkupXHTML = $this->isXHTML($markup);
if ($isContentTypeXHTML || $isMarkupXHTML) {
self::debug('Full markup load (XML), XHTML detected');
$this->isXHTML = true;
// determine document fragment
if (! isset($this->isDocumentFragment))
$this->isDocumentFragment = $this->isXHTML
? self::isDocumentFragmentXHTML($markup)
: self::isDocumentFragmentXML($markup);
// this charset will be used
$charset = null;
// charset from XML declaration @var string
$documentCharset = $this->charsetFromXML($markup);
if (! $documentCharset) {
if ($this->isXHTML) {
// this is XHTML, try to get charset from content-type meta header
$documentCharset = $this->charsetFromHTML($markup);
if ($documentCharset) {
phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (XML), appending XHTML charset '$documentCharset'");
$this->charsetAppendToXML($markup, $documentCharset);
$charset = $documentCharset;
if (! $documentCharset) {
// if still no document charset...
$charset = $requestedCharset;
} else if ($requestedCharset) {
$charset = $requestedCharset;
if (! $charset) {
$charset = phpQuery::$defaultCharset;
if ($requestedCharset && $documentCharset && $requestedCharset != $documentCharset) {
// TODO place for charset conversion
// $charset = $requestedCharset;
$return = false;
if ($this->isDocumentFragment) {
phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (XML), DocumentFragment detected, using charset '$charset'");
$return = $this->documentFragmentLoadMarkup($this, $charset, $markup);
} else {
// FIXME ???
if ($isContentTypeXHTML && ! $isMarkupXHTML)
if (! $documentCharset) {
phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (XML), appending charset '$charset'");
$markup = $this->charsetAppendToXML($markup, $charset);
// see http://pl2.php.net/manual/en/book.dom.php#78929
// does XML ctalogues works with LIBXML_NONET
// $this->document->resolveExternals = true;
// TODO test LIBXML_COMPACT for performance improvement
// create document
if (phpversion() < 5.1) {
$this->document->resolveExternals = true;
$return = phpQuery::$debug === 2
? $this->document->loadXML($markup)
: @$this->document->loadXML($markup);
} else {
/** @link http://pl2.php.net/manual/en/libxml.constants.php */
$libxmlStatic = phpQuery::$debug === 2
$return = $this->document->loadXML($markup, $libxmlStatic);
// if (! $return)
// $return = $this->document->loadHTML($markup);
if ($return)
$this->root = $this->document;
if ($return) {
if (! $this->contentType) {
if ($this->isXHTML)
$this->contentType = 'application/xhtml+xml';
$this->contentType = 'text/xml';
return $return;
} else {
throw new Exception("Error loading XML markup");
protected function isXHTML($markup = null) {
if (! isset($markup)) {
return strpos($this->contentType, 'xhtml') !== false;
// XXX ok ?
return strpos($markup, "<!DOCTYPE html") !== false;
// return stripos($doctype, 'xhtml') !== false;
// $doctype = isset($dom->doctype) && is_object($dom->doctype)
// ? $dom->doctype->publicId
// : self::$defaultDoctype;
protected function isXML($markup) {
// return strpos($markup, '<?xml') !== false && stripos($markup, 'xhtml') === false;
return strpos(substr($markup, 0, 100), '<'.'?xml') !== false;
protected function contentTypeToArray($contentType) {
$matches = explode(';', trim(strtolower($contentType)));
if (isset($matches[1])) {
$matches[1] = explode('=', $matches[1]);
// strip 'charset='
$matches[1] = isset($matches[1][1]) && trim($matches[1][1])
? $matches[1][1]
: $matches[1][0];
} else
$matches[1] = null;
return $matches;
* @param $markup
* @return array contentType, charset
protected function contentTypeFromHTML($markup) {
$matches = array();
// find meta tag
$markup, $matches
if (! isset($matches[0]))
return array(null, null);
// get attr 'content'
preg_match('@content\\s*=\\s*(["|\'])(.+?)\\1@', $matches[0], $matches);
if (! isset($matches[0]))
return array(null, null);
return $this->contentTypeToArray($matches[2]);
protected function charsetFromHTML($markup) {
$contentType = $this->contentTypeFromHTML($markup);
return $contentType[1];
protected function charsetFromXML($markup) {
// find declaration
$markup, $matches
return isset($matches[2])
? strtolower($matches[2])
: null;
* Repositions meta[type=charset] at the start of head. Bypasses DOMDocument bug.
* @link http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/issues/detail?id=80
* @param $html
protected function charsetFixHTML($markup) {
$matches = array();
// find meta tag
$markup, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE
if (! isset($matches[0]))
$metaContentType = $matches[0][0];
$markup = substr($markup, 0, $matches[0][1])
.substr($markup, $matches[0][1]+strlen($metaContentType));
$headStart = stripos($markup, '<head>');
$markup = substr($markup, 0, $headStart+6).$metaContentType
.substr($markup, $headStart+6);
return $markup;
protected function charsetAppendToHTML($html, $charset, $xhtml = false) {
// remove existing meta[type=content-type]
$html = preg_replace('@\s*<meta[^>]+http-equiv\\s*=\\s*(["|\'])Content-Type\\1([^>]+?)>@i', '', $html);
$meta = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset='
.$charset.'" '
.($xhtml ? '/' : '')
if (strpos($html, '<head') === false) {
if (strpos($hltml, '<html') === false) {
return $meta.$html;
} else {
return preg_replace(
} else {
return preg_replace(
protected function charsetAppendToXML($markup, $charset) {
$declaration = '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$charset.'"?'.'>';
return $declaration.$markup;
public static function isDocumentFragmentHTML($markup) {
return stripos($markup, '<html') === false && stripos($markup, '<!doctype') === false;
public static function isDocumentFragmentXML($markup) {
return stripos($markup, '<'.'?xml') === false;
public static function isDocumentFragmentXHTML($markup) {
return self::isDocumentFragmentHTML($markup);
public function importAttr($value) {
* @param $source
* @param $target
* @param $sourceCharset
* @return array Array of imported nodes.
public function import($source, $sourceCharset = null) {
// TODO charset conversions
$return = array();
if ($source instanceof DOMNODE && !($source instanceof DOMNODELIST))
$source = array($source);
// if (is_array($source)) {
// foreach($source as $node) {
// if (is_string($node)) {
// // string markup
// $fake = $this->documentFragmentCreate($node, $sourceCharset);
// if ($fake === false)
// throw new Exception("Error loading documentFragment markup");
// else
// $return = array_merge($return,
// $this->import($fake->root->childNodes)
// );
// } else {
// $return[] = $this->document->importNode($node, true);
// }
// }
// return $return;
// } else {
// // string markup
// $fake = $this->documentFragmentCreate($source, $sourceCharset);
// if ($fake === false)
// throw new Exception("Error loading documentFragment markup");
// else
// return $this->import($fake->root->childNodes);
// }
if (is_array($source) || $source instanceof DOMNODELIST) {
// dom nodes
self::debug('Importing nodes to document');
foreach($source as $node)
$return[] = $this->document->importNode($node, true);
} else {
// string markup
$fake = $this->documentFragmentCreate($source, $sourceCharset);
if ($fake === false)
throw new Exception("Error loading documentFragment markup");
return $this->import($fake->root->childNodes);
return $return;
* Creates new document fragment.
* @param $source
* @return DOMDocumentWrapper
protected function documentFragmentCreate($source, $charset = null) {
$fake = new DOMDocumentWrapper();
$fake->contentType = $this->contentType;
$fake->isXML = $this->isXML;
$fake->isHTML = $this->isHTML;
$fake->isXHTML = $this->isXHTML;
$fake->root = $fake->document;
if (! $charset)
$charset = $this->charset;
// $fake->documentCreate($this->charset);
if ($source instanceof DOMNODE && !($source instanceof DOMNODELIST))
$source = array($source);
if (is_array($source) || $source instanceof DOMNODELIST) {
// dom nodes
// load fake document
if (! $this->documentFragmentLoadMarkup($fake, $charset))
return false;
$nodes = $fake->import($source);
foreach($nodes as $node)
} else {
// string markup
$this->documentFragmentLoadMarkup($fake, $charset, $source);
return $fake;
* @param $document DOMDocumentWrapper
* @param $markup
* @return $document
private function documentFragmentLoadMarkup($fragment, $charset, $markup = null) {
// TODO error handling
// TODO copy doctype
// tempolary turn off
$fragment->isDocumentFragment = false;
if ($fragment->isXML) {
if ($fragment->isXHTML) {
// add FAKE element to set default namespace
$fragment->loadMarkupXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$charset.'"?>'
.'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" '
.'<fake xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'.$markup.'</fake>');
$fragment->root = $fragment->document->firstChild->nextSibling;
} else {
$fragment->loadMarkupXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$charset.'"?><fake>'.$markup.'</fake>');
$fragment->root = $fragment->document->firstChild;
} else {
$markup2 = phpQuery::$defaultDoctype.'<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset='
$noBody = strpos($markup, '<body') === false;
if ($noBody)
$markup2 .= '<body>';
$markup2 .= $markup;
if ($noBody)
$markup2 .= '</body>';
$markup2 .= '</html>';
// TODO resolv body tag merging issue
$fragment->root = $noBody
? $fragment->document->firstChild->nextSibling->firstChild->nextSibling
: $fragment->document->firstChild->nextSibling->firstChild->nextSibling;
if (! $fragment->root)
return false;
$fragment->isDocumentFragment = true;
return true;
protected function documentFragmentToMarkup($fragment) {
$tmp = $fragment->isDocumentFragment;
$fragment->isDocumentFragment = false;
$markup = $fragment->markup();
if ($fragment->isXML) {
$markup = substr($markup, 0, strrpos($markup, '</fake>'));
if ($fragment->isXHTML) {
$markup = substr($markup, strpos($markup, '<fake')+43);
} else {
$markup = substr($markup, strpos($markup, '<fake>')+6);
} else {
$markup = substr($markup, strpos($markup, '<body>')+6);
$markup = substr($markup, 0, strrpos($markup, '</body>'));
$fragment->isDocumentFragment = $tmp;
if (phpQuery::$debug)
phpQuery::debug('documentFragmentToMarkup: '.substr($markup, 0, 150));
return $markup;
* Return document markup, starting with optional $nodes as root.
* @param $nodes DOMNode|DOMNodeList
* @return string
public function markup($nodes = null, $innerMarkup = false) {
if (isset($nodes) && count($nodes) == 1 && $nodes[0] instanceof DOMDOCUMENT)
$nodes = null;
if (isset($nodes)) {
$markup = '';
if (!is_array($nodes) && !($nodes instanceof DOMNODELIST) )
$nodes = array($nodes);
if ($this->isDocumentFragment && ! $innerMarkup)
foreach($nodes as $i => $node)
if ($node->isSameNode($this->root)) {
// var_dump($node);
$nodes = array_slice($nodes, 0, $i)
+ phpQuery::DOMNodeListToArray($node->childNodes)
+ array_slice($nodes, $i+1);
if ($this->isXML && ! $innerMarkup) {
self::debug("Getting outerXML with charset '{$this->charset}'");
// we need outerXML, so we can benefit from
// $node param support in saveXML()
foreach($nodes as $node)
$markup .= $this->document->saveXML($node);
} else {
$loop = array();
if ($innerMarkup)
foreach($nodes as $node) {
if ($node->childNodes)
foreach($node->childNodes as $child)
$loop[] = $child;
$loop[] = $node;
$loop = $nodes;
self::debug("Getting markup, moving selected nodes (".count($loop).") to new DocumentFragment");
$fake = $this->documentFragmentCreate($loop);
$markup = $this->documentFragmentToMarkup($fake);
if ($this->isXHTML) {
self::debug("Fixing XHTML");
$markup = self::markupFixXHTML($markup);
self::debug("Markup: ".substr($markup, 0, 250));
return $markup;
} else {
if ($this->isDocumentFragment) {
// documentFragment, html only...
self::debug("Getting markup, DocumentFragment detected");
// return $this->markup(
//// $this->document->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)
// $this->document->root, true
// );
$markup = $this->documentFragmentToMarkup($this);
// no need for markupFixXHTML, as it's done thought markup($nodes) method
return $markup;
} else {
self::debug("Getting markup (".($this->isXML?'XML':'HTML')."), final with charset '{$this->charset}'");
$markup = $this->isXML
? $this->document->saveXML()
: $this->document->saveHTML();
if ($this->isXHTML) {
self::debug("Fixing XHTML");
$markup = self::markupFixXHTML($markup);
self::debug("Markup: ".substr($markup, 0, 250));
return $markup;
protected static function markupFixXHTML($markup) {
$markup = self::expandEmptyTag('script', $markup);
$markup = self::expandEmptyTag('select', $markup);
$markup = self::expandEmptyTag('textarea', $markup);
return $markup;
public static function debug($text) {
* expandEmptyTag
* @param $tag
* @param $xml
* @return unknown_type
* @author mjaque at ilkebenson dot com
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/domdocument.savehtml.php#81256
public static function expandEmptyTag($tag, $xml){
$indice = 0;
while ($indice< strlen($xml)){
$pos = strpos($xml, "<$tag ", $indice);
if ($pos){
$posCierre = strpos($xml, ">", $pos);
if ($xml[$posCierre-1] == "/"){
$xml = substr_replace($xml, "></$tag>", $posCierre-1, 2);
$indice = $posCierre;
else break;
return $xml;