Yii::getAlias('@backend') . FileHelper::normalizePath('\web\conf\DOMA.dbf'), 'KLADR' => Yii::getAlias('@backend') . FileHelper::normalizePath('\web\conf\KLADR.dbf'), 'STREET' => Yii::getAlias('@backend') . FileHelper::normalizePath('\web\conf\STREET.dbf'), ]; $errors = []; Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->truncateTable('dictionary_fias')->execute(); Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->truncateTable('dictionary_fias_doma')->execute(); Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->truncateTable('kladr_codes')->execute(); foreach ($files as $key => $file) { if ($climate) { $climate->darkGray()->out(Yii::t( 'console', 'Загрузка «{FILE}»', ['FILE' => $file] )); } if ($key == 'DOMA') { $tables_creator = Yii::createObject(TableCreateHelper::class); $tables_creator->createTempTable('fias_kladr_doma_union_temp', [ 'kladr_code' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'name' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', 'kladr_index' => 'VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL', ]); Yii::$app->db ->createCommand("CREATE INDEX temp_kladr_code ON fias_kladr_doma_union_temp (kladr_code);") ->execute(); $kladr_codes = []; $table = new TableReader($file, ['encoding' => 'CP866', 'columns' => ['name', 'korp', 'code', 'index', 'gninmb', 'uno', 'ocatd']]); $progressCount = 0; if ($progress) { $progressCount = $table->getRecordCount(); $progress->total($progressCount); } for ($I = 0; $row = $table->nextRecord(); $I += $iterate) { if ($progress && $I % 10 == 0) { $progress->current($I); } $kladr_codes[] = ['code' => $row->code]; $buffer = []; $buffer[0] = []; $buffer[0]['kladr_code'] = $row->code; $buffer[0]['name'] = $row->name; $buffer[0]['kladr_index'] = $row->index; for ($j = 1; $j < $iterate && $row = $table->nextRecord(); $j++) { $buffer[$j] = []; try { $kladr_codes[] = ['code' => $row->code]; $buffer[$j]['kladr_code'] = $row->code; $buffer[$j]['name'] = $row->name; $buffer[$j]['kladr_index'] = $row->index; } catch (\Throwable $e) { Yii::error("Ошибка смены кодировки $key.dbf: {$e->getMessage()} {$j}"); Yii::error(print_r($buffer, true)); throw $e; } unset($row); } try { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(KladrCode::tableName(), ['code'], $kladr_codes)->execute(); $kladr_codes = []; Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert('fias_kladr_doma_union_temp', ['kladr_code', 'name', 'kladr_index'], $buffer)->execute(); unset($buffer); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Yii::error("Ошибка установки $key.dbf: {$e->getMessage()}"); Yii::error(print_r($buffer, true)); throw $e; } } if ($progress && $progressCount) { $progress->current($progressCount); } $quoted_index_name = IndependentQueryManager::quoteEntity('index'); $quoted_name = IndependentQueryManager::quoteEntity('name'); $quoted_code_id = IndependentQueryManager::quoteEntity('code_id'); Yii::$app->db->createCommand(" INSERT INTO dictionary_fias_doma ({$quoted_code_id}, {$quoted_name}, {$quoted_index_name}) SELECT kladr_codes.id, fias_kladr_doma_union_temp.name, fias_kladr_doma_union_temp.kladr_index FROM fias_kladr_doma_union_temp LEFT JOIN kladr_codes ON kladr_codes.code = fias_kladr_doma_union_temp.kladr_code ") ->execute(); Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->dropTable('fias_kladr_doma_union_temp')->execute(); } else { $table = new TableReader($file, ['encoding' => 'CP866', 'columns' => ['name', 'socr', 'code', 'index', 'gninmb', 'uno', 'ocatd']]); $progressCount = 0; if ($progress) { $progressCount = $table->getRecordCount(); $progress->total($progressCount); } for ($I = 0; $row = $table->nextRecord(); $I += $iterate) { if ($progress && $I % 10 == 0) { $progress->current($I); } $buffer = []; $code = $row->code; $actualCode = (int)substr($code, -2); $isActual = false; if ($actualCode == 0) { $buffer[0] = []; $isActual = true; } if ($isActual) { $buffer[0]['name'] = $row->name; $buffer[0]['short'] = $row->socr; $buffer[0]['code'] = $code; $buffer[0]['zip_code'] = $row->index; $kladr_array = static::parseKladrCode($code); $buffer[0]['address_element_type'] = (string)static::getElementType($kladr_array); $buffer[0]['area_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['area_code']; $buffer[0]['city_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['city_code']; $buffer[0]['region_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['region_code']; $buffer[0]['street_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['street_code']; $buffer[0]['village_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['village_code']; } for ($j = 1; $j < $iterate && $row = $table->nextRecord(); $j++) { $code = $row->code; $actualCode = (int)substr($code, -2); $isActual = false; if ($actualCode == 0) { $buffer[$j] = []; $isActual = true; } if ($isActual) { $buffer[$j]['name'] = $row->name; $buffer[$j]['short'] = $row->socr; $buffer[$j]['code'] = $code; $buffer[$j]['zip_code'] = $row->index; $kladr_array = static::parseKladrCode($code); $buffer[$j]['address_element_type'] = (string)static::getElementType($kladr_array); $buffer[$j]['area_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['area_code']; $buffer[$j]['city_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['city_code']; $buffer[$j]['region_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['region_code']; $buffer[$j]['street_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['street_code']; $buffer[$j]['village_code'] = (string)$kladr_array['village_code']; } unset($row); } try { Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert( 'dictionary_fias', [ 'name', 'short', 'code', 'zip_code', 'address_element_type', 'area_code', 'city_code', 'region_code', 'street_code', 'village_code' ], $buffer )->execute(); unset($buffer); } catch (\Throwable $e) { Yii::error("Ошибка установки (номер группы $I) $key.dbf: {$e->getMessage()}"); Yii::error(print_r($buffer, true)); throw $e; } } if ($progress) { $progress->current($progressCount); } } if ($climate) { $climate->green()->out(Yii::t( 'console', 'Загрузка «{FILE}» завершена успешно', ['FILE' => $file] )); } } return $errors; } public static function loadKladrFromOneSFias(): array { iniSet::disableTimeLimit(); iniSet::extendMemoryLimit(); try { foreach (KladrLoader::fetchRegionList() as $number => $name) { KladrLoader::loadRegion($number); } return []; } catch (\Throwable $e) { Yii::error($e->getMessage(), 'loadKladr'); return [$e->getMessage()]; } } public static function parseKLADRCode(string $code): array { $region_code = substr($code, 0, 2); $area_code = substr($code, 2, 3); $city_code = substr($code, 5, 3); $village_code = substr($code, 8, 3); $street_code = substr($code, 11, 4); $region_code = ltrim((string)$region_code, '0') ?: '0'; $area_code = ltrim((string)$area_code, '0') ?: '0'; $city_code = ltrim((string)$city_code, '0') ?: '0'; $village_code = ltrim((string)$village_code, '0') ?: '0'; $street_code = ltrim((string)$street_code, '0') ?: '0'; return [ 'region_code' => (int)$region_code, 'area_code' => (int)$area_code, 'city_code' => (int)$city_code, 'village_code' => (int)$village_code, 'street_code' => (int)$street_code, ]; } protected static function getElementType(array $kladr_array): int { if ($kladr_array['street_code'] != 0) { return 5; } elseif ($kladr_array['village_code'] != 0) { return 4; } elseif ($kladr_array['city_code'] != 0) { return 3; } elseif ($kladr_array['area_code'] != 0) { return 2; } elseif ($kladr_array['region_code'] != 0) { return 1; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Неизвестный тип элемента адреса'); } public static function fetchRegionList(): array { $result = Yii::$app->soapClientAbit->load('GetFiasRegionsList', [], DebuggingSoap::getInstance()->isLoggingForKladrSoapEnabled); if ($result && $result->return) { $regions = json_decode((string)$result->return, false); if ($regions) { if (!is_array($regions) || ArrayHelper::isAssociative($regions)) { $regions = [$regions]; } return ArrayHelper::map($regions, 'Number', 'Name'); } } return []; } public static function isOneSFiasAvailable(): bool { try { $result = \Yii::$app->dictionaryManager->GetInterfaceVersion('GetFiasRegionsList'); return version_compare($result, '') >= 0; } catch (\Throwable $e) { \Yii::error("Не удалось получить версию метода GetFiasRegionsList: {$e->getMessage()}"); return false; } } private static function fetchRegionElements(string $region): \Generator { $start_uid = null; do { $result = Yii::$app->soapClientAbit->load('GetFiasRegionElements', [ 'RegionNumber' => $region, 'FetchingItemsCount' => getenv("FIAS_FETCHING_ITEMS_COUNT") ? (int)getenv("FIAS_FETCHING_ITEMS_COUNT") : 5000, 'StartFiasIdentity' => $start_uid, ], DebuggingSoap::getInstance()->isLoggingForKladrSoapEnabled); $start_uid = null; if ($result && $result->return) { $elements = json_decode((string)$result->return, false); if ($elements) { if (!is_array($elements) || ArrayHelper::isAssociative($elements)) { $elements = [$elements]; } foreach ($elements as $element) { $start_uid = $element->FiasIdentity; $clear_kladr_code = $element->KLADRCode; if (!$clear_kladr_code) { continue; } if (strlen((string)$clear_kladr_code) > 13) { $clear_kladr_code = str_pad($clear_kladr_code, 17, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } else { $clear_kladr_code = str_pad($clear_kladr_code, 13, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $full_region = str_pad($region, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $region_code = mb_substr($clear_kladr_code, 0, 2); if ($region_code !== $full_region) { if ($clear_kladr_code[-1] === '0') { $clear_kladr_code = '0' . mb_substr($clear_kladr_code, 0, -1); } else { continue; } } yield [ 'fias_id' => $element->FiasIdentity, 'parent_fias_id' => $element->ParentFiasIdentity, 'name' => $element->Name, 'short' => $element->Short, 'code' => $clear_kladr_code, 'buildings' => $element->Buildings, ]; } } } } while ($start_uid); } private static function purgeRegionItems(string $region): void { $trimmed_region = ltrim($region, '0') ?: '0'; if (Yii::$app->db->driverName === 'pgsql') { Yii::$app->db ->createCommand(" DELETE FROM dictionary_fias_doma USING dictionary_fias WHERE dictionary_fias_doma.fias_id = dictionary_fias.fias_id AND dictionary_fias.region_code = :trimmed_region AND dictionary_fias_doma.fias_id IS NOT NULL ", compact('trimmed_region')) ->execute(); } else { Yii::$app->db ->createCommand(" DELETE dictionary_fias_doma FROM dictionary_fias_doma INNER JOIN dictionary_fias ON dictionary_fias_doma.fias_id = dictionary_fias.fias_id AND dictionary_fias.region_code = :trimmed_region WHERE dictionary_fias_doma.fias_id IS NOT NULL ", compact('trimmed_region')) ->execute(); } $deleteQuery = " DELETE FROM [[dictionary_fias_doma]] WHERE fias_id IS NULL LIMIT 100000 "; if (Yii::$app->db->driverName === 'pgsql') { $deleteQuery = " DELETE FROM [[dictionary_fias_doma]] WHERE ctid IN ( SELECT ctid FROM [[dictionary_fias_doma]] WHERE fias_id IS NULL LIMIT 100000 ) "; } do { $affectedRows = Yii::$app->db ->createCommand($deleteQuery) ->execute(); } while ($affectedRows > 0); $deleteQuery = " DELETE FROM [[dictionary_fias]] WHERE region_code = :trimmed_region OR fias_id IS NULL LIMIT 100000 "; if (Yii::$app->db->driverName === 'pgsql') { $deleteQuery = " DELETE FROM [[dictionary_fias]] WHERE ctid IN ( SELECT ctid FROM [[dictionary_fias]] WHERE region_code = :trimmed_region OR fias_id IS NULL LIMIT 100000 ) "; } do { $affectedRows = Yii::$app->db ->createCommand($deleteQuery, ['trimmed_region' => $trimmed_region]) ->execute(); } while ($affectedRows > 0); } private static function getFiasTypesMap(): array { static $map; if (!$map) { $map = Yii::$app->cache->getOrSet('fias_types_map', function () { try { $result = Yii::$app->soapClientAbit->load_with_caching("GetFiasOwnershipsBuildingsTypes"); if (!empty($result->return)) { $raw_map = json_decode((string)$result->return, false); $result = []; if (isset($raw_map->Ownerships)) { $ownerships = []; if (!is_array($raw_map->Ownerships)) { $raw_map->Ownerships = [$raw_map->Ownerships]; } foreach ($raw_map->Ownerships as $ownership) { $ownerships[$ownership->Key] = $ownership->Value; } $result['ownerships'] = $ownerships; } if (isset($raw_map->Buildings)) { $buildings = []; if (!is_array($raw_map->Buildings)) { $raw_map->Buildings = [$raw_map->Buildings]; } foreach ($raw_map->Buildings as $building) { $buildings[$building->Key] = $building->Value; } $result['buildings'] = $buildings; } return $result; } return []; } catch (\Throwable $e) { Yii::error("Не удалось получить карту типов ФИАС: {$e->getMessage()}"); return []; } }, 3600); } return $map; } private static function getOwnershipType(string $encoded): string { $map = KladrLoader::getFiasTypesMap(); if (isset($map['ownerships'][$encoded])) { return mb_strtolower(mb_substr($map['ownerships'][$encoded], 0, 1)); } return $encoded; } private static function getBuildingType(string $encoded): string { $map = KladrLoader::getFiasTypesMap(); if (isset($map['buildings'][$encoded])) { return mb_strtolower(mb_substr($map['buildings'][$encoded], 0, 1)); } return $encoded; } private static function decodeFiasId(string $fias_id): string { if (empty($fias_id)) { return ''; } $decoded = bin2hex(base64_decode($fias_id)); return mb_strcut($decoded, 0, 8) . '-' . mb_strcut($decoded, 8, 4) . '-' . mb_strcut($decoded, 12, 4) . '-' . mb_strcut($decoded, 16, 4) . '-' . mb_strcut($decoded, 20); } private static function parseBuilding(string $building): array { $result = []; [$encoded_fias_id, $type, $name, $housing, $structure_type, $structure] = KladrLoader::parseBuildingString($building); $type = KladrLoader::getOwnershipType((string)$type); $structure_type = KladrLoader::getBuildingType((string)$structure_type); $fias_id = KladrLoader::decodeFiasId($encoded_fias_id); $result['fias_id'] = $fias_id; $result['name'] = ""; if ($name) { $result['name'] = "{$type} {$name}"; } if ($housing) { $result['name'] .= "/{$housing}"; } if ($structure) { $result['name'] .= "/{$structure_type} {$structure}"; } $result['name'] = trim($result['name'], '/'); return $result; } public static function loadRegion(string $region, ?Progress $progress = null): void { iniSet::disableTimeLimit(); iniSet::extendMemoryLimit(); gc_disable(); $buildingsBatcher = new BatchMaker(5000, function (array $batch) { if ($batch) { FiasDoma::getDb()->createCommand()->batchInsert(FiasDoma::tableName(), array_keys($batch[0]), $batch)->execute(); } }); $itemsBatcher = new BatchMaker(20000, function (array $batch) { if ($batch) { Fias::getDb()->createCommand()->batchInsert(Fias::tableName(), array_keys($batch[0]), $batch)->execute(); } }); $transaction = Fias::getDb()->beginTransaction(); try { KladrLoader::purgeRegionItems($region); $regionElements = KladrLoader::fetchRegionElements($region); $progressCount = 0; if ($progress) { $regionElements = iterator_to_array($regionElements); $progressCount = count($regionElements); $progress->total($progressCount); } $time = time(); foreach ($regionElements as $I => $item) { if ($progress && $I % 3 == 0) { $progress->current($I); } $item_info = array_merge($item, KladrLoader::parseKLADRCode($item['code'])); $item_info['address_element_type'] = KladrLoader::getElementType($item_info); unset($item_info['buildings']); $item_info['created_at'] = $time; $item_info['updated_at'] = $time; $itemsBatcher->add($item_info); if ($item['buildings']) { if (!is_array($item['buildings'])) { $item['buildings'] = [$item['buildings']]; } foreach ($item['buildings'] as $building_info) { $clear_zip_code = $building_info->PostalIndex; $buildings = explode("\t", (string)$building_info->BuildingsString); foreach (array_chunk($buildings, 50) as $buildings_chunk) { $names = array_reduce($buildings_chunk, function ($carry, $raw_building) { $building = KladrLoader::parseBuilding($raw_building); if (!empty($building['fias_id'])) { $carry .= "{$building['name']}, "; } return $carry; }, ''); $names = trim($names, ', '); $building_info = [ 'fias_id' => $item['fias_id'], 'name' => $names, 'index' => $clear_zip_code, 'created_at' => $time, 'updated_at' => $time, ]; $buildingsBatcher->add($building_info); } } } } $itemsBatcher->flush(); $buildingsBatcher->flush(); $transaction->commit(); if ($progress && $progressCount) { $progress->current($progressCount); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); \Yii::error("Ошибка при загрузке ФИАС: " . $e->getMessage(), 'loadRegion'); throw $e; } } private static function parseBuildingString(string $building): array { $equals_index = mb_strpos($building, '=='); if ($equals_index === false) { return ['', '', '', '', '', '']; } $encoded_fias_id = mb_substr($building, 0, $equals_index + 2); $tilde_index = mb_strpos($building, '~', $equals_index); $type = mb_substr($building, $equals_index + 2, 1); $name = mb_substr($building, $equals_index + 3, $tilde_index ? $tilde_index - $equals_index - 3 : null); $housing = null; $structure_type = null; $structure = null; if ($tilde_index) { $second_tilde_index = mb_strpos($building, '~', $tilde_index + 1); $housing = mb_substr($building, $tilde_index + 1, $second_tilde_index ? $second_tilde_index - $tilde_index - 1 : null); if ($second_tilde_index) { $third_tilde_index = mb_strpos($building, '~', $second_tilde_index + 1); if ($third_tilde_index) { $structure_type = mb_substr($building, $second_tilde_index + 1, $third_tilde_index - $second_tilde_index - 1); $structure = mb_substr($building, $third_tilde_index + 1); } } } return [$encoded_fias_id, $type, $name, $housing, $structure_type, $structure]; } }