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37 KiB
Executable File
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use common\modules\student\components\schedule\assets\ScheduleAsset;
use common\modules\student\components\schedule\ScheduleLoader;
use sguinfocom\DatePickerMaskedWidget\DatePickerMaskedWidget;
use yii\bootstrap4\Carousel;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Url;
use yii\web\View;
$defaultDateStart = '';
$defaultDateEnd = '';
if (isset($schedule[0])) {
if ($schedule[0]->week != null) {
$defaultDateEnd = $schedule[0]->week->dateEnd;
$defaultDateStart = $schedule[0]->week->dateStart;
} else {
$defaultDateEnd = ArrayHelper::getValue($schedule, '0.project.0.days.0.date') ?? date(ScheduleLoader::DATA_TO_WEB);
$defaultDateStart = ArrayHelper::getValue($schedule, '0.project.0.days.0.date') ?? date(ScheduleLoader::DATA_TO_WEB);
$index = 0;
if ($day_button != null && count($groups) > 0 && $day_button != 'undefined') {
$id_group = explode('-', $day_button)[1];
foreach ($groups as $i => $group) {
if ($id_group == $group['id']) {
$index = $i;
} elseif ($objectId != '') {
foreach ($schedule as $i => $sch) {
if ($sch->objectId == $objectId) {
$index = $i;
} else {
$day_button = '';
$tmplurl1 = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Full',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => 'sdate',
'endDate' => 'edate',
'day_button' => 'scId',
'another_group' => 'a_group'
$tmplurl2 = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Week',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => 'sdate',
'endDate' => 'edate',
'day_button' => 'scId',
'another_group' => 'a_group'
$tmplurl3 = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Full',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => 'sdate',
'endDate' => 'edate',
'day_button' => 'scId',
'another_group' => 'a_group'
$tmplurl4 = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Week',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => 'sdate',
'endDate' => 'edate',
'day_button' => 'scId',
'another_group' => 'a_group'
$tmplurl = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Week',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => 'sdate',
'endDate' => 'edate',
'day_button' => 'scId',
'another_group' => 'a_group'
$script = '
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#group-select").change(function () {
var scId = $("#group-select option:selected").val();
$("#" + scId).fadeIn();
var s = $("#group-select option:selected").text();
var a = window.location.href;
if (a.indexOf("Full") >= 0) {
var tmplurl1 = "' . $tmplurl1 . '";
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker3").val();
var tplurl = tmplurl1.replace("scId", scId);
var turl = tplurl.replace("sdate", sdate);
var url = turl.replace("edate", sdate);
var u = url.replace("a_group", s);
$("#daytype").attr("href", u);
var tmplurl2 = "' . $tmplurl2 . '";
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker3").val();
var tplurl = tmplurl2.replace("scId", scId);
var turl = tplurl.replace("sdate", sdate);
var url = turl.replace("edate", sdate);
var u = url.replace("a_group", s);
$("#weektype").attr("href", u);
} else {
var tmplurl3 = "' . $tmplurl3 . '";
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker1").val();
var edate = $("#datetimepicker2").val();
var tplurl = tmplurl3.replace("scId", scId);
var turl = tplurl.replace("sdate", sdate);
var url = turl.replace("edate", edate);
var u = url.replace("a_group", s);
$("#daytype").attr("href", u);
var tmplurl4 = "' . $tmplurl4 . '";
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker1").val();
var edate = $("#datetimepicker2").val();
var tplurl = tmplurl4.replace("scId", scId);
var turl = tplurl.replace("sdate", sdate);
var url = turl.replace("edate", edate);
var u = url.replace("a_group", s);
$("#weektype").attr("href", u);
function () {
var selected_position = $("#position-select option:selected").val();
// set selected_position parameter to current url and go to it
var url = new URL(window.location.href);
url.searchParams.set("selected_position", selected_position);
window.location.href = url
$("#week-date-update").click(function (e) {
var scId = $("#group-select option:selected").val();
var s = $("#group-select option:selected").text();
var tmplurl = "' . $tmplurl . '";
var sdate = $("#week-date-update a").data("startdate");
var edate = $("#week-date-update a").data("enddate");
var tplurl = tmplurl.replace("scId", scId);
var turl = tplurl.replace("sdate", sdate);
var url = turl.replace("edate", edate);
var u = url.replace("a_group", s);
window.location = u;
return false;
$this->registerJs($script, View::POS_END);
<div class="schedule-widget">
<div class="schedule-head">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-9 col-sm-7 col-12">
<div class="schedule-object">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<?php if ($schedule[0]->objectType == "AcademicGroup") :
if (isset($groups) && count($groups) > 1) : ?>
<label for="group-select">
Расписание занятий группы
<select id="group-select" class="form-control">
<?php foreach ($groups as $idx => $group) : ?>
value="sch-<?= $group['id']; ?>" <?php if ($index == $idx) : ?> selected <?php endif; ?>>
<?= $group['name']; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<label for="group-select">
Расписание занятий группы <?= $schedule[0]->objectName; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php elseif ($schedule[0]->objectType == "Teacher") : ?>
<label for="position-select">
Расписание занятий преподавателя <?= $schedule[0]->objectName; ?>
<?php if ($positions): ?>
<select id="position-select" class="form-control">
<?php foreach ($positions as $idx => $position) : ?>
value="<?= $idx; ?>" <?php if ($selected_position == $idx) : ?> selected <?php endif; ?>>
<?= $position; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php elseif ($schedule[0]->objectType == "Classroom") : ?>
<label for="group-select">
Расписание занятий в аудитории <?= $schedule[0]->objectName; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (isset(Yii::$app->user->identity) && Yii::$app->user->identity->isInRole(common\models\User::ROLE_STUDENT)) :
if ($schedule && (count($schedule) > 1 || $schedule[0]->objectType != 'AcademicGroup')) {
$url = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Week',
'objectType' => 'AcademicGroup',
'objectId' => $schedule[0]->objectId,
'startDate' => $scheduleStartDate,
'endDate' => $scheduleEndDate
]); ?>
<a id="user-schedule" href="<?= $url ?>">
Вернуться к моему расписанию
<?php } ?>
<?php elseif (isset(Yii::$app->user->identity) && Yii::$app->user->identity->isInRole(common\models\User::ROLE_TEACHER)) :
if ($schedule && ($schedule[0]->objectType != 'Teacher' || $schedule[0]->objectId != Yii::$app->user->identity->userRef->reference_id)) {
$url = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Week',
'objectType' => 'Teacher',
'endDate' => $scheduleEndDate,
'startDate' => $scheduleStartDate,
]); ?>
<a id="user-schedule" href="<?= $url ?>">Вернуться к моему расписанию</a>
<?php } ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-5 col-12">
<div class="schedule-period">
<div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse">
<div class="p-2">
<?php if ($schedule[0]->week != null) : ?>
<p class="schedule-type-switch">
<?php $url = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Full',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => $scheduleStartDate,
'endDate' => $scheduleEndDate,
'day_button' => $day_button,
'another_group' => $another_group,
]); ?>
<a href="<?= $url ?>" id="daytype" class="schedule-day-type"><u
class="<?php if ($scheduleType == "Full") : ?>active<?php endif; ?>">День</u></a>
<span class="schedule-type-divider">/</span>
<?php $url = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Week',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => $scheduleStartDate,
'endDate' => $scheduleEndDate,
'day_button' => $day_button,
'another_group' => $another_group
]); ?>
<a href="<?= $url ?>" id="weektype" class="schedule-week-type"><u
class="<?php if ($scheduleType == "Week") : ?>active<?php endif; ?>">Неделя</u></a>
<label for="datetimepicker1">с</label>
<?= DatePickerMaskedWidget::widget(
'name' => 'datetimepicker1',
'value' => $defaultDateStart,
'inline' => false,
'language' => 'ru',
'template' => '{input}{addon}',
'clientOptions' => [
'clearBtn' => false,
'weekStart' => '1',
'autoclose' => true,
'todayBtn' => 'linked',
'format' => 'dd.mm.yyyy',
'calendarWeeks' => 'true',
'todayHighlight' => 'true',
'orientation' => 'top left',
'daysOfWeekDisabled' => [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
'clientEvents' => [
'changeDate' => '
function(e) {
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker1").val();
if (sdate.length > 0) {
var edate = $("#datetimepicker2").val();
var from = sdate.split(".");
var curr = new Date(from[2], from[1] - 1, from[0]);
var first = curr.getDate() - curr.getDay() + 1;
var last = first + 6;
var firstday = new Date(curr.setDate(first)); //.toUTCString();
var lastday = new Date(curr.setDate(last)); //.toUTCString();
var month = lastday.getMonth() + 1;
var day = lastday.getDate();
var year = lastday.getFullYear();
var dateStr = ("0" + day).slice(-2) + "." + ("0" + month).slice(-2) + "." + year;
if (dateStr != edate) {
} else {
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker1").val();
var edate = $("#datetimepicker2").val();
$("#week-date-update a").data("startdate", sdate);
$("#week-date-update a").data("enddate", edate);
'options' => [
'id' => 'datetimepicker1',
'maskOptions' => [
'alias' => 'dd.mm.yyyy'
); ?>
<label for="datetimepicker2" id="datepicker2-label">
<?= DatePickerMaskedWidget::widget(
'name' => 'datetimepicker2',
'value' => $defaultDateEnd,
'inline' => false,
'language' => 'ru',
'template' => '{input}{addon}',
'clientOptions' => [
'clearBtn' => false,
'weekStart' => '1',
'autoclose' => true,
'todayBtn' => 'linked',
'format' => 'dd.mm.yyyy',
'calendarWeeks' => 'true',
'todayHighlight' => 'true',
'orientation' => 'top left',
'daysOfWeekDisabled' => [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1],
'clientEvents' => [
'changeDate' => '
function(e) {
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker1").val();
var edate = $("#datetimepicker2").val();
if (edate.length > 0) {
var from = edate.split(".");
var curr = new Date(from[2], from[1] - 1, from[0]);
var first = curr.getDate() - curr.getDay() - 6;
var last = first + 6;
var firstday = new Date(curr.setDate(first)); //.toUTCString();
var lastday = new Date(curr.setDate(last)); //.toUTCString();
var month = firstday.getMonth() + 1;
var day = firstday.getDate();
var year = firstday.getFullYear();
var dateStr = ("0" + day).slice(-2) + "." + ("0" + month).slice(-2) + "." + year;
if (dateStr != sdate) {
} else {
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker1").val();
var edate = $("#datetimepicker2").val();
$("#week-date-update a").data("startdate", sdate);
$("#week-date-update a").data("enddate", edate);
'options' => [
'id' => 'datetimepicker2'
'maskOptions' => [
'alias' => 'dd.mm.yyyy'
); ?>
<div id="week-date-update" class="date-updater">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-startdate="<?= $scheduleStartDate; ?>"
data-enddate="<?= $scheduleEndDate; ?>">
<?php elseif (isset($schedule[0]->project[0], $schedule[0]->project[0]->days)) : ?>
<?php $url = Url::toRoute([
"scheduleType" => "Full",
"objectType" => $objectType,
"objectId" => $objectId,
"startDate" => "sdate",
"endDate" => "edate",
"day_button" => "scId",
"another_group" => "a_group"
$script = '
$(document).ready(function () {
var startDate = "' . $scheduleStartDate . '";
var from = startDate.split(".");
var sDate = new Date(from[2], from[1] - 1, from[0]);
$("#day-date-update").click(function (e) {
var scId = $("#group-select option:selected").val();
var s = $("#group-select option:selected").text();
var tmplurl = "' . $url . '";
var sdate = $("#day-date-update a").data("startdate");
var edate = $("#day-date-update a").data("enddate");
var tplurl = tmplurl.replace("scId", scId);
var turl = tplurl.replace("sdate", sdate);
var url = turl.replace("edate", edate);
var u = url.replace("a_group", s);
window.location = u;
return false;
$this->registerJs($script, View::POS_END);
<p class="schedule-type-switch">
<?php $url = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Full',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => $scheduleStartDate,
'endDate' => $scheduleEndDate,
'day_button' => $day_button,
'another_group' => $another_group
]); ?>
<a href="<?= $url; ?>" id="daytype" class="schedule-day-type">
<u class="<?php if ($scheduleType == "Full") : ?>active<?php endif; ?>">
<span class="schedule-type-divider">/</span>
<?php $url = Url::toRoute([
'scheduleType' => 'Week',
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'startDate' => $scheduleStartDate,
'endDate' => $scheduleEndDate,
'day_button' => $day_button,
'another_group' => $another_group
]); ?>
<a href="<?= $url ?>" id="weektype" class="schedule-week-type">
<u class="<?php if ($scheduleType == "Week") : ?>active<?php endif; ?>">
<?php if ($objectType == 'AcademicGroup' && count($groups) > 0) {
$day_widget_id = $groups[0]['id'];
} else {
$day_widget_id = $objectId;
} ?>
<?= DatePickerMaskedWidget::widget(
'name' => 'datetimepicker3',
'value' => $scheduleStartDate,
'inline' => false,
'language' => 'ru',
'template' => '{input}{addon}',
'clientOptions' => [
'clearBtn' => false,
'weekStart' => '1',
'autoclose' => true,
'todayBtn' => 'linked',
'format' => 'dd.mm.yyyy',
'calendarWeeks' => 'true',
'todayHighlight' => 'true',
'orientation' => 'top left',
'daysOfWeekDisabled' => [0],
'clientEvents' => [
'changeDate' => 'function(e) {
var sdate = $("#datetimepicker3").val();
$("#day-date-update a").data("startdate",sdate);
$("#day-date-update a").data("enddate",sdate);
'options' => [
'id' => 'datetimepicker3',
'class' => 'form-control krajee-datepicker',
'maskOptions' => [
'alias' => 'dd.mm.yyyy'
<div id="day-date-update" class="date-updater">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary" data-startdate="<?= $scheduleStartDate; ?>"
data-enddate="<?= $scheduleStartDate; ?>">
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="schedule-body">
<?php if ($schedule[0]->week != null) :
foreach ($schedule as $schKey => $sch) :
if ($objectType == 'AcademicGroup' && count($groups) > 0 && count($groups) > $schKey) {
$day_widget_id = $groups[$schKey]['id'];
} else {
$day_widget_id = $objectId;
if ($sch->week && $sch->week->project && count($sch->week->project) > 0) : ?>
<?php $moreThanOne = false;
$weekItems = [];
if (count($sch->week->project) > 1) {
$moreThanOne = true;
} ?>
<div class="week-schedule schedule-container week-container <?php if ($index == $schKey) {
echo 'active';
} ?>">
<?php foreach ($sch->week->project as $project) : ?>
<?php if (count($project->days) > 0) : ?>
<?php if ($moreThanOne) : ?>
<?php $scheduleTable = "
<div class=\"alert alert-info project-title\">
<div style=\"text-align: center;\">
"; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php $scheduleTable = ''; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php foreach ($project->days as $day) : ?>
<?php $table = $this->render('_scheduleTable', [
'lessons' => $day->lessons,
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'scheduleType' => $scheduleType,
'scheduleStartDate' => $scheduleStartDate,
'scheduleEndDate' => $scheduleEndDate,
'another_group' => $another_group
$scheduleTable .= "<div class=\"day-container\">
<strong class=\"day-name\">
{$day->dayName} {$day->date}
</div>"; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php $weekItems[] = "$scheduleTable"; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if ($moreThanOne) {
echo Carousel::widget([
'clientOptions' => ['interval' => false],
'items' => $weekItems,
} else {
echo implode('', $weekItems);
} ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php if ($index == $schKey) : ?>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">
Для заданных параметров данные не могут быть предоставлены.
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php elseif ($schedule[0]->project != null) : ?>
<?php foreach ($schedule as $schKey => $sch) :
if ($objectType == 'AcademicGroup' && count($groups) > 0 && count($groups) > $schKey) {
$day_widget_id = $groups[$schKey]['id'];
} else {
$day_widget_id = $objectId;
} ?>
<?php $moreThanOne = false;
$weekItems = [];
if (count($sch->project) > 1) {
$moreThanOne = true;
} ?>
<div class="schedule-container day-outer-container <?php if ($index == $schKey) {
echo 'active';
} ?>" id="sch-<?= str_replace(":", "", $day_widget_id); ?>">
<?php foreach ($sch->project as $project) : ?>
<?php if (count($project->days) > 0) : ?>
<?php if ($moreThanOne) : ?>
<?php $scheduleTable = "
<div class=\"alert alert-info project-title\">
<div style=\"text-align: center;\">
"; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php $scheduleTable = ''; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php foreach ($project->days as $day) : ?>
<?php $table = $this->render('_scheduleTable', [
'lessons' => $day->lessons,
'objectType' => $objectType,
'objectId' => $objectId,
'scheduleType' => $scheduleType,
'scheduleStartDate' => $scheduleStartDate,
'scheduleEndDate' => $scheduleEndDate,
'day_button' => $day_button,
'another_group' => $another_group
$scheduleTable .= "<div class=\"day-container\">
<strong class=\"day-name\">
{$day->dayName} {$day->date}
</div>"; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php $weekItems[] = "$scheduleTable"; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if ($moreThanOne) {
echo Carousel::widget([
'clientOptions' => ['interval' => false],
'items' => $weekItems,
} else {
echo implode('', $weekItems);
} ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>